office of the Summit Follow-up - OAS



OEA/Ser.G    CE/GCI-15/95
3 October 1995
Original: English


Her Excellency
Harriet C. Babbitt
Special Committee on Inter American Summits Management
Washington, D.C.


I have the honor to acknowledge receipt of your letter of August 25, 1995, and inform you of the work carried out to date by the Ad-Hoc Group of CIECC. As you know, this Group was created by Resolution CIECC-885/95 entitled "Programming of Activities for the 1996-97 Biennium." In compliance with the mandates issued by this Resolution, the Group held two meetings: one in March and the other in May of 1995 (a report of each is attached), during which the advances made with the contacts established with the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) to coordinate joint activities, as well as the formulation of a programming proposal for the area of CIECC for the 1996-1997 biennium were considered.

As a result of the Group's work, two resolution projects regarding the two above-mentioned topics were approved for consideration by the General Assembly in its Twenty-fifth Ordinary Meeting, which approved the same. Attached please find copies of the documents for your information.

I think, Your Excellency, that in this manner the Ad-Hoc Group has successfully completed the work it was entrusted to fulfill.

In connection with additional plans to follow up on the summit action items concerning the CIECC area we are at the disposal of your Committee and the other governing bodies of the OAS in order to cooperate in any way in the implementation of the above mentioned Resolutions of the General Assembly.

I take this opportunity to reiterate to Your Excellency, the assurances of my most sincere and distinguished consideration.

Group of CIECC

CIECC/RES. 885/95

(Resolution approved at the Sixth Plenary Session held on February 15, 1995)

(Twenty-sixth Regular Meeting),


The Report of the XLVII Regular Meeting of CEPCIECC (CEPCIECC/doc. 1261/94) which includes the Report of the CEPCIES/CEPCIECC, Working Group created by the General Assembly to study and recommend the necessary measures in the stage of transition on and until the establishment of the Inter-American Council for Integral Development (CIDI),


The Declaration and the Plan of Action of the Summit of the Americas; the General Political Framework and the Priorities of Partnership for Development and the Commitment to encourage the Partnership to Overcome Extreme Poverty, approved by the XX Special Session of the General Assembly in the framework of the new system of partnership for development that will be encouraged by the Inter-American Council for Integral Development (CIDI); any additional initiatives by member states to be considered in the programming for 1996-1997 as well as the Proposal for Multinational Projects in the field of education, science, technology and culture drawn up by the General Secretariat in compliance with the mandates of this Council.

The dialogue of Heads of Delegation on "The Function of Culture in Integral Development, with Special Emphasis on the Contribution by the Partnership to Overcome Poverty in the Context of Education, Science and Technology" (CIECC/doc. 1475/95), which took place during the Twenty-sixth Regular Meeting of CIECC, and The "Declaration of Buenos Aires" prepared by the Twenty-sixth Regular Meeting of CIECC.


The need to exceptionally reduce to two years the schedule of programming activities to obtain the necessary flexibility to deal with the agreements to comply with the agreements of the Summit of the Americas and the decisions adopted by the Twentieth Special Session of the General Assembly for the starting of a new system of partnership for integral development,


1. To establish a political and technical Ad Hoc Group of the CIECC which will create with the help of the General Secretariat, coordination mechanism with the IDB and the World Bank for joint activities with these institutions and for this purpose, funds shall be made available from the Reservation Subfund and the Regular Account of FEMCIECC.

2. To request that the General Secretariat include the proposal for 1996-1997 programming proposed by the Ad Hoc Group in the Program Budget Project to be submitted to the Twenty-fifth Regular Session of the General Assembly.

3. To allocate the sum of US$ 60,000 from the Mandates Account of CIECC/CEPCIECC for financing the a6fivities of the Ad Hoc Group.

4. To instruct the Ad Hoc Group to coordinate its task both with those of the Joint Working Group CEPCIES/CEPCIECC entrusted with studying the measures of transition of the Inter-American Council for Integral Development (CIDI), as well as with the tasks of the CEPCIES/CEPCIECC Working Group on the Development Problems of member states in the Caribbean and Suriname subregion.


OEA/Ser. J/XX  GAH/CIECC/doc. 1/95
12 April 1995
Original: Spanish

March 23-24, 1995
Washington, D.C.



A. Background

During the XXVI Ordinary Meeting, held February 13-15, 1995, in Buenos Aires, Argentina, the Inter-American Council for Education, Science and Culture (CIECC) approved resolution CIECC/RES. 885/95 entitled "Programming of Activities in the 1996-1997 Biennium." The resolution created a CIECC Ad Hoc Working Group, of a political-technical nature, to establish--with the support of the General Secretariat--mechanisms of cooperation with the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) and the World Bank, for the formulation of joint activities with such organizations. Resources from the Reserve Subfund of the FEMCIECC Ordinary Account will be available for this purpose.

The resolution also requested the General Secretariat to Include in the Proposed Program-Budget to be presented before to XXV Ordinary Session of the General Assembly, the proposed 1996-1997 Programming formulated by the Ad Hoc Group.

Finally, the Council instructed the Ad Hoc Group to coordinate its work with the CEPCIES/CEPCIECC Working Group in charge of the transition process to the Inter-American Council for Integral Development (CIDI), as well as with the CEPCIES/CEPCIECC Working Group on the Development Problems of to Caribbean Subregion member States and Suriname.

CIECC designated the amount of US$ 60,000.00 from the CIECC/CEPOIECC Mandates Account to finance the Ad Hoc Group activities.

In compliance with these mandates, the Chairman of the Ad Hoc Group, Doctor Ra�l Allard, convened the First Meeting of the Ad Hoc Group, which was hold at the Organization's headquarters an March 23-24, 1995.


A. Participants

Representatives of twenty member States and of several Permanent Observer countries attended the meeting. The Acting Executive Secretary for Education, Science and Culture, the Special Technical Assistant of the Executive Secretary’s Office, the Director of the Department of Cultural Affairs and the Acting Directors of the Scientific and Technological, and Affairs Departments attended the meeting. The list of participants is included as Addendum III of this document.

The Group's Second Session started at 3:30 PM on March 24, 1995, and was held at the Padilha Vidal Conference Room.

The Chairman expressed his gratitude to those attending the meeting and, in particular, to Ambassador Fabio Villegas Ramirez, CEPCIES Chairman and Permanent Representative of Colombia, and Mrs. Maria Teresa Kralikas de Schumkler, Alternate Representative of Argentina, and Vice-Chairwoman, in charge of the Chairmanship of the CEPCIES/CEPCIECC Joint Group, responsible for the study of transition measures to CIDI. Following, to Chairman reported on the outcome of the meetings hold on that same day with the Inter-American Development Bank (BID) and the World Bank representatives, to identity joint activities between these organizations and the OAS, as well as suggestions for the definition of programming guidelines in the fields of Education, Science and Technology, and Culture for the 1996-1997 Biennium. This presentation is included as Addendum II of this document.

After expressing their gratitude for the summary report of the first session and for the information provided in the second one, various representatives presented changes to the suggestions reported by the Chairman of the Group concerning actions which must be carried out prior to the Group's next meeting scheduled to be hold on May 15-16, 1995.

The Chairman, since he had to leave the meeting, thanked the Representatives for their cooperation, as well as the Executive Secretariat's staff for its support, and asked the Vice-Chairwoman to take over the Chairmanship.

With the Acting Executive Secretary’s participation, the Group continued analyzing the document presented by the Chairman, which in its final version, incorporates all the modifications approved by to Ad Hoc Group concerning the proposed actions.

The Vice-Chairwoman indicated that during the Chairman’s absence from headquarters, she would keep the Group informed of all activities taking place. She also indicated that, if necessary, additional working sessions could be convoked.

Having no other matters to discuss, the Vice-Chairwoman thanked all those present and the meeting was adjourned.


Washington, D.C.
March 23-24, 1995

Summary of the Dr. Ra�l Allard’s Presentation
President, CIECC Ad-hoc Group, during March 23rd's Session

The President of the Ad-hoc Group reviewed the mandates emanated from Resolution CIECC/RES 885/95, approved during the XXVI Ordinary Meeting of the Council which took place to Buenos Aires, from February 13-15, 1995, and which refer to the programming proposal for 1996/97, to coordination with IDB and the World Bank and in coordination with the Joint Working Group CEPCIES/CEPCIECC (see Annex). With respect to these points, Dr. Allard stated the following:

Programming Proposal for 1996/1997

-- The programming for the 1996/97 biennium is proposed within the context of transition of the CIECC and CIES to the CIDI, as well as the necessary adjustment of the Executive Secretariats during this process. It should be kept in mind that the process should include intensified trade, democratization, technical progress, and should strive for sustainable development that will contribute to reducing extreme poverty. All of this is to be developed within a framework in which the prerequisite is that each community maintains its cultural identity for its integral development.

-- Cooperation between countries of the hemisphere require a joint action which cannot be offered in a spontaneous manner but preferably should be promoted through an organization like the OAS.

-- Technical cooperation from the OAS should be characterized as innovative, motivating and with a sense of renewal rather than executing. It should modernize or renovate its methods. Technical assistance should not be paternalistic. Countries should indicate their own priorities and the assistance should not repeat programs that have been in execution for a long period of time. OAS personnel should act as a small "think tank" and engage in activities with support of specialized consultants, maintaining close contact with other international institutions.

-- In order to cooperate with the IDB and the World Bank as well as with other institutions, OAS technical cooperation should present a renewed image. If we want the banks to show an interest in working with the OAS, it will be necessary to demonstrate that the Cooperation between Education, Science and Technology and Culture is being transformed, modernized and reinforced, due to the emergence or new hemispheric needs which require urgent programming towards the future. Departure for the discussion of these points would be the priorities established during the Summit of the Americas.

Support for the preparation of investment profiles or project summaries. Support to a country to the process previous to the elaboration of an investment project in education, science and technology and culture. This includes studies diagnostics, identification of implementing modalities of action and specialists in key subject areas, internships and other forms of exchange of experiences, at the multinational level.

Institutional preparation for the Execution of Investment Projects financed by the IDB. The period between the approval of the loan and the beginning of the allocation that consists of an 8-18 month period, it is necessary to develop a joint exchange of experiences and training, analysts and experimentation of the action, tendencies toward improving the execution and impact of investment projects. Many of these activities involve the formulation and organization of activities with a multinational character, in which the OAS has accumulated broad experience. Each one of these activities can involve projects in the range or 10,000 to 100,000 dollars which the OAS can mange efficiently but are not in proportion with scale of operations of the IDB.

-- Follow-up Mechanism. It was suggested that in order to accelerate the exploration of that joint-action possibilities, it would be convenient for the Ad-hoc Group to approve a follow-up mechanism for all the consultations between the OAS and the IDB. With respect to this, the possibility that the Executive Secretariat of CIECC initiate a dialogue with the IDB to establish the general work orientations was proposed. This would be later implemented through integrated teams consisting of those responsible for each Division in the IDB and Directors or the Departments or the OAS, with the support of specialists from each area. The result of this work should be completed during the month April and should be made known at the 2nd Ad-hoc Group Meeting in May of 1995. If this mechanism is desired, it is possible that the Secretary General of the OAS, and the President of the IDB would adopt this work method as joint initiative.

Coordination with the Joint Working Groups CEPCIES/CEPCIECC

To facilitate the coordination of efforts of the CIECC Ad-hoc Group with those of the Joint Working Groups CEPCIES/CEPCIECC, in charge of studying the modes of transition toward the CIDI and the problems of development in the Member States of the Caribbean Subregion and Suriname, the President of the Ad-hoc Group has invited the two Presidents of these joint Working Groups and the President of the CEPCIES to participate in the meeting during March 24.

The President of the Ad-hoc Group emphasized the importance of utilizing the new areas of opportunity, covered by the CIDI, for the Integration and convergence of the technical cooperation activities of the organization in favor of the problems/objectives in common.

February 13-15, 1995
Buenos Aires, Argentina

CIECC/RES. 885/95

(Resolution approved at the Sixth Plenary Session held on February 15, 1995)

CIECC/doc.1517/95 rev. 1
15 February 1995
Original: Spanish

(Twenty-sixth Regular Meeting)


The Report of the XLVII Regular Meeting of CEPCIECC (CEPCIECC/doc.1261/94) which includes the Report of the CEPCIES/CEPCIECC Working Group created by the General Assembly to study and recommend the necessary measures in the stage of transition on and until the establishment of the Inter-American Council for Integral Development (CIDI),


The Declaration and the Plan of Action of the Summit of the Americas; the General Political Framework and the Priorities of Partnership for Development and the Commitment to encourage the Partnership to Overcome Extreme Poverty, approved by the XX Special Session of the General Assembly in the framework of the new system of partnership for development that will be encouraged by the Inter-American Council for Integral Development (CIDI); any additional initiatives by member states to be considered in the programming for 1996-1997 as well as the Proposal for Multinational Projects in the field of education, science, technology and culture drawn up by the General Secretariat in compliance with the mandates of this Council.

The dialogue of Heads of Delegation on "The Function of Culture in Integral Development, with Special Emphasis on the Contribution by the Partnership to Overcome Poverty in the Context of Education, Science and Technology" (CIECC/doc. 1475/95), which took place during the Twenty-sixth Regular Meeting of CIECC, and

The "Declaration of Buenos Aires" prepared by the Twenty-sixth Regular Meeting of CIECC.



Statement made by Dr. Ra�l Allard, Chairman of the Ad-hoc Group of CIECC for the Identification of joint activities of the OAS with the Inter-American Development Bank and the World Bank, and for the definition of programming guidelines in the field of Education, Science and Culture for the biennium 1996-1997.  (1)

Madame Vice-chair,
Mr. Executive Secretary,
Heads of the Delegations in this Ad-hoc Group:

Yesterday, I began to report to this Ad-hoc Group information on the contacts and preliminary activities accomplished within the context of the mission established by CIECC, for the Ad-hoc Group during its XXVI Regular Meeting in Buenos Aires.

Taking into account the comments presented by the Delegations during our first plenary session, I extended a special invitation to the following officials to participate in our deliberations; Ambassador Fabio Villegas Ramirez, Chairman of CEPCIES to Ms. Maria Teresa Schmukler, Vice-Chair in charge of the Chairmanship of to Joint CEPCIES/CEPCIECC Working Group for the transition to CIDI; Mr. Ellsworth John, Chairman of the Working Group for Development Problems of Small Caribbean States; and to Strengthening Working Group Vice Chairman, Mr. Edgard Fonseca.

As you know, I had the opportunity to establish a working relationship with the Vice President of IDB, Mrs. Nancy Birdsall, as well as with members of her strategic planning staff regarding the objectives established by CIECC for this group. I also had the opportunity to discuss with the Secretary General, Dr. C�sar Gaviria, the scope of the Group's purposes and activities.

I would like to take this opportunity to underscore that to Executive Secretariat's efficient support and preparation of activities to design an effective interactive process with the IDB and World Bank has been a determining factor, which I consider an extraordinary accomplishment in terms of creating a serious and solid base for mutual understanding culture. The Organization should creatively take advantage of the opportunities implied in this new window of opportunity to develop working relationships among staff of both institutions, as well as an environment of mutual understanding and confidence that could facilitate future complementary action. Success in these areas could be a determining factor in the development of new relationships with the World Bank and other international organizations.

In light of the circumstances that have been explained, it is necessary for the OAS to assume that consideration for future cooperation in other sectors should also be developed on a case by case basis at, the highest level. Likewise, the establishment of other specific working groups in other areas where mutual interest is identified should be considered.

Having presented this preliminary consideration, I would like to summarize the findings of the Presidency and advise the Group on the decisions that should be made In order to continue with its activities in an expeditious and effective manner.

-- Circumstances are highly favorable for creating a basis to strengthen ft working relationships between the OAS and ft IDS in the sectors of education, science and technology, and culture. These opportunities include: (i) to promotion of initiatives and projects which embrace the priorities adopted in the General Assembly on Inter-American Cooperation for Development (AGECID), celebrated in Mexico, February 1994; (ii) the organization of forums to promote these initiatives publicly and a stimulation for investment in favor of the mandates set forth in the Summit of the Americas; (iii) specific complementary actions in the preparation and execution process of investment projects that are consistent with the principles of genera! policy adopted by the General Assembly within the context of CIDI's creation.

-- There is a need to collaboratively develop a specific proposal on modalities and mechanisms for identifying, organizing and executing joint activities in those areas with the participation of both the technical staff of to vice-presidency of the IDB and the Executive Secretariat for Education, Science and Culture of to OAS.

-- In order to define such mechanisms and to proceed with the identification of specific joint activities, it is necessary to clearly identify the magnitude and nature of the financial resources that the OAS would dedicate to implement a new framework of joint action with the IDB.

-- Resolution CIECC/Res.885/95 established that the Reserve Subfund of FEMCIECC shall be used for the purpose of defining joint activities with IDB and the World Bank.

3. To request that the Executive Secretary consider, in the proposal of joint action with the BID, a possible financial contribution of up to US$3 million dollars for the identification of joint activities which would be submitted in a timely manner to the corresponding offices of the Organization.

4. To authorize the Executive Secretary to finance the six regional experts representing the United States, Canada, Latin America, and the Caribbean, using the resources authorized by CIECC for the activities of the Ad-hoc Group, in order to formulate a proposal on the programming of cooperation activities In specific areas of education, science and technology, and culture during the 1996-1997 biennium.

5. To convoke a second session of meetings for the Ad-hoc Group from May 15 to 16, in order to consider the proposed mechanisms for joint action with the IDB, and the proposal on specific area programming for the 1996-97 biennium, including suggestions on renovated methods of action.

6. To instruct the Executive Secretary to continue working at the technical level with to IDB to formulate proposals on mechanisms for joint action with the IDB and prepare a proposal for the programming of specific areas for the 1996-1997 biennium, and to ask the Executive Secretariat to periodically inform the Member States on the progress of the conversation taking place.

7. To reaffirm its wish to broaden the work and coordinating responsibilities of the Ad-hoc Group, not only in the CEPCIES/CEPCIECC Joint Working Group, in charge of studying transition measures to the Inter-American Council for Integral Development (CIDI), but also those of the CEPCIES/CEPCIECC Working Group on Problems of Development of the Member States of to Caribbean and Suriname Subregion, in compliance with the Presidency of the CEPCIES and according to the agreements of the XXIX CIES Ordinary Meeting, celebrated in Antigua and Barbuda.

8. The work of the experts mentioned in numeral 4 above, their support and suggestions will be mutually complemented with analogous actions which can be implemented in the CIES area, in accordance with its own attributes.

May 15-16,1995
Washington, D.C.

May 16, 1995
Original: Spanish



A. Background

During its 26th Regular Session in Buenos Aires, Argentina, from February 13 through February 15, 1995, the Interamerican Council for Education, Science, and Culture (CIECC) approved Resolution CIECC/RES.885/95, entitled "Program of Activities for the 1996-1997 Biennium." Said resolution created the CIECC Ad-Hoc Working Group, with a political-technical orientation so that, with the support of the General Secretariat, it might establish mechanisms for cooperation with the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) and the World Bank, in order to develop joint activities with those organizations. For this purpose, resources shall be made available from the Reserve Subfund of the Regular Account of the FEMCIECC.

This resolution also requested that the General Secretariat include the proposal for 1996-97 programs developed by the Ad-Hoc Group within the draft Program Budget to be presented during the 25th Regular Period of General Assembly Sessions.

Finally, the Council instructed the Ad-Hoc Group to coordinate its work with that of the CEPCIES/CEPCIECC Working Group Responsible for Transition to the Inter-American Council for Integral Development (CIDI) as well as with the work of the CEPCIES/CEPCIECC Working Group for Development Problems of the Member States of the Caribbean and Suriname Subregion.

The CIECC allocated US$60,000.00 from the CIECC/CEPCIECC Mandate Account to finance the activities of the Ad-Hoc Group.

In fulfillment of these mandates, Doctor Ra�l Allard, President of the Ad-Hoc Group, convened the First Meeting of the Ad-Hoc Group, which took place at the Organization’s Headquarters on March 23-24, 1995. The results of that first meeting are presented in the Final Report of the First Meeting of the CIECC Ad-Hoc Group, document GAH/CIECC/Doc. 1/95.

As a result of its first meeting, the Ad-Hoc Group requested that the Executive Secretariat of the area maintain contact with the IDB in order to define a proposed framework for carrying out joint and complementary activities by the Bank and the OAS, and to prepare a preliminary proposal for program outlines for the 1996-97 biennium, with the assistance of regional experts.

In addition, during the First Meeting of the CIECC Ad-Hoc Group it was agreed that a second meeting would be held on May 15-16, 1995 at the Headquarters of the General Secretariat.


A. Participants

The meeting was chaired by Dr. Ra�l Allard, President of the CIECC Ad-Hoc Working Group. Eighteen Member States participated in the meeting. The General Secretariat was represented by Leonel Z��iga, Acting Executive Secretary for Education, Science, and Culture; Sara Meneses, Director of the Department of Cultural Affairs; Carlos Paldao, Acting Director of Educational Affairs; and Orlando Mason, Acting Director of the Department of Scientific and Technological Affairs. Sandoval Machado, Special Assistant to the Executive Secretariat, was responsible for Technical Support for the Meeting.

The list of participants is found in Appendix I of this document.

B. First Session

In accordance with the schedule distributed to the delegates, the first session took place on the morning of Monday, May 15, 1995, in the Padilha Vidal Room. The President welcomed the Representatives and approved the following agenda:


1. Report from the Executive Secretariat on discussions held with the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB).
2. Report from the Executive Secretariat on the work accomplished with the regional experts.
3. Framework for joint action with the IDB.
4. Proposals for specific program areas for the 1996-1997 biennium.
5. Miscellaneous matters.

The President stated that during the period since the First Meeting of the Ad-Hoc Group, the Executive Secretariat had worked intensively in support of the activities associated with the transition to CIDI, promoting coordination with the respective bodies of the Organization which are participating in that process, and furthering contacts with the IDB, in accordance with the guidelines defined in the First Meeting of the CIECC Ad-Hoc Group. The meeting participants then approved the following Work Schedule:

While submitting the Working Schedule for the consideration of the Delegates, the President made several comments regarding the different themes included in the Schedule. In particular, he referred to the consultation with a group of regional experts regarding the program guidelines to be proposed for the 1996-97 biennium, in accordance with the orientation established by the Ad-Hoc Group itself during its first meeting. In this regard, he indicated that during the previous meeting it had been suggested that from six to eight specialists representing the different regions and areas of the CIECC should participate, but noted that some delegates were of the opinion that the number of experts to be consulted should be increased.

Therefore, the Executive Secretariat consulted a broad number of specialists, in compliance with those guidelines. Some of the specialists were also invited to the Headquarters of the General Secretariat to work on the draft document entitled Proposal for Program Outlines 1996-97 for the CIECC Area, to be presented to the Ad-Hoc Group during this second meeting. Appendix II of this report includes the list of specialists who provided written contributions to the consultation by the Executive Secretariat.

In compliance with the approved schedule, the President of the Ad-Hoc Group held a working session with the presidents of CEPCIES and CEPCIECC, the Joint CEPCIES-CEPCIECC Group for transition to the CIDI, and the CEPCIES-CEPCIECC Working Group for Problems of Development of the Caribbean and Suriname Subregion Member States. During this working session, responding to the decisions taken by the Ad-Hoc Group during its first meeting, the participants considered the progress made in contacts with the IDB and the tasks involved with the formulation of a program proposal for the 1996-97 biennium. To that end, the President of the Ad-Hoc Group proposed that the participants consider the draft versions of the documents. The first document is Promoting Joint and Complementary Activities by the OAS and the IDB in the Field of Cooperation for Development (GAR/CIECC/Doc.3/95) and the second document is Proposal for Program Outlines 1996-97 for the CIECC Area (GAH/CIECC/Doc.4/95).

At the same time, the President of the Ad-Hoc Group proposed that the participants examine the draft resolutions to be considered by the 25th Regular Session of the General Assembly in order to ensure that the results of the CIECC Ad-Hoc Group's work be considered in light of the status of progress of the transition to the CIDI, and in a form consistent with the purposes defined by the CIECC for the tasks of the Ad-Hoc Group.

The Presidents of the groups represented in the working session made various observations regarding the documents and the draft resolutions presented by the President of the Ad-Hoc Group, who in turn requested that the Executive Secretariat prepare a new version of these documents for the purpose of submitting them to the second plenary session of the Ad-Hoc Group to be held in compliance with the established schedule.

During the second plenary session, these documents and draft resolutions were analyzed and several Delegates made observations and comments.

The President of the Ad-Hoc Group requested that the Executive Secretariat revise the documents and resolutions in order to include the Delegates' observations and comments. The revised versions are found in documents GAH/CIECC/Doc.3/95 and GAH/CIECC/Doc.4/95. At the request of the delegate from Ecuador, note was made of the latter's opinion that document GAH/CIECC/Doc.4/95 should have included budgetary estimates for the proposed actions.


As a result of the activities which took place during its Second Meeting, the CIECC Ad-Hoc Group decided to ask the President of the Ad-Hoc Group and the Executive Secretariat to provide the appropriate bodies with documents GAH/CIECC/Doc.3/95 and GAH/CIECC/Doc.4/95, as well as the Draft Resolutions for consideration by the General Assembly, entitled Technical Cooperation Activities by the OAS in the Area of Education, Science and Technology, and Culture and Framework for the Joint Technical Cooperation Activities of the OAS/IDB, included in Appendix III, so that these documents could be considered during the 25th Regular Period of Sessions of the General Assembly.

In accordance with this decision, the President of the Ad-Hoc Group provided the President of the General Assembly Preparatory Committee with the document Proposal for Program Outlines 1996-97 for the CIECC Area and the draft resolution Technical Cooperation Activities by the OAS in the Area of Education, Science and Technology, and Culture, requesting that these documents be brought to the attention of the Committee for Administrative and Budgetary Affairs of the Preparatory Subcommittee, as well as, during its work, the Working Group responsible for preparation of the "Declaration of Montrouis" project. Similarly, he informed the Secretary General of the content of these documents.

At the same time, the President requested that the Executive Secretariat include these documents, and the other background documents mentioned, in this Report so that they may be considered by the General Assembly when examining the mandates of the CIECC.


(Draft resolution presented by the CIECC Ad-Hoc Group)


HAVING SEEN the final report of the 26th Regular Session of the Inter-American Council for Education, Science, and Culture (CIECC) (CIECC/Doc. 1525/95),


The Declaration and Plan of Action from the Summit of the Americas; the Framework for General Policy and Priorities of Joint Cooperation for Development and the Commitment to the advancement of Joint Cooperation and Overcoming Extreme Poverty, approved during the 20th Extraordinary Period of Sessions of the General Assembly, in the framework of the new system of joint cooperation for development to be advanced by the Inter-American Council for Integral Development (CIDI):

The Dialogue of Chiefs of Delegations which took place during the 26th Regular Session of the Inter-American Council for Education, Science, and Culture (CIECC) regarding the "Function of Culture in Integral Development with Special Emphasis on its Contribution to Overcoming Poverty in the Context of Education, Science and Technology" (CIECC/Doc. 1475/95);

Resolution CIECC/RES. 885/95 "Program of Activities for the 1996-97 Biennium," which determined that mechanisms should be established for coordination with the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) and the World Bank and that, to that end, resources should be made available from the Reserve Subfund of the Regular Account of the FEMCIECC;

The "Buenos Aires Declaration" formulated by the 26th Regular Session of the Inter-American Council for Education, Science, and Culture (CIECC),


1. To recognize the work performed by the CIECC Ad-Hoc Group with the support of the General Secretariat for the establishment of coordination mechanisms with the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) and the World Bank, for the formulation of joint or complementary activities with those entities.

2. To become informed of the progress of the work of defining possible areas of interest for joint or complementary activities with the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) to be implemented in the 1996-97 Biennium, in the form proposed by the CIECC Ad-Hoc Group.

3. To instruct the CEPCIECC, or other appropriate body, in the process of transition to the CIDI, to analyze and, if appropriate, to adopt a position on the joint or complementary activities, in accordance with the framework contained in GAH/CIECC/Doc.3/95.


(Draft resolution presented by the CIECC Ad-Hoc Group)


HAVING SEEN the final report of the 26th Regular Session of the Inter-American Council for Education, Science, and Culture (CIECC) (CIECC/Doc. 1525/95),


The Declaration and Plan of Action from the Summit of the Americas; the Framework for General Policy and Priorities of Joint Cooperation for Development and the Commitment to the Advancement of Joint Cooperation and to Overcoming Extreme Poverty, approved during the 20th Extraordinary Period of Sessions of the General Assembly, in the framework of the new system of joint cooperation for development to be advanced by the Inter-American Council for Integral Development (CIDI):

The Dialogue of Chiefs of Delegations which took place during the 26th Regular Session of the Inter-American Council for Education, Science, and Culture (CIECC) regarding the "Function of Culture in Integral Development with Special Emphasis on its Contribution to Overcoming Poverty in the Context of Education, Science and Technology" (CIECC/Doc. 1475/95);

Resolution CIECC/RES. 885/95 "Program of Activities for the 1996-97 Biennium," which requested that the General Secretariat include the proposal for programs to be formulated by the CIECC Ad-Hoc Group in the Program-Budget to be presented in the 25th ordinary period of General Assembly sessions;

The "Buenos Aires Declaration" formulated by the 26th Regular Session of the Inter-American Council for Education, Science, and Culture (CIECC),


1. To instruct the appropriate bodies to take note of the proposal for program outlines for 1996-97 in the CIECC area (GAH/CIECC/Doc.4/95) when defining the Strategic Plan and the programs for the Inter-American Council for Integral Development (CIDI).

2. To request that the General Secretariat to take note of the proposal for program outlines elaborated by the CIECC Ad-Hoc Group, recorded in the document mentioned in the is preceding paragraph, when formulating specific activities that relate to the 1996-97 Program- Budget of the Organization.


(1) Observations made by the Delegation of the member States during the plenary session of March 24 at 3:00 p.m. at the Padilha Vidal Salon have been integrated into this version. During this time, it was agreed that this document, after being revised, should constitute the framework of reference in order to continue the work of the CIECC’s Ad-hoc Group in compliance with provisions of CIECC Resolution Res. 885/95.

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