

Draft conservation language for Summit Document:

Introductory or hortatory language:


"Bearing in mind the immense importance of natural biological resources to prosperity in the hemisphere - - for their ability to maintain and recharge natural systems, for clean water, for carbon sequestration, for sustainable harvest of food, forest and marine products, for tourism, for pharmaceutical research, and for the enjoyment of the people- - (the assembled governments) resolve to work individually and with partners, from within and from outside the hemisphere, to give renewed attention and effort to the sustainable management of such natural biological resources, beginning with effective protection of key representative habitats in the ecoregions of the Americas, especially parks and nature presreves. Given also that nature does not follow political boundaries, (the assembled governments) pledge to work cooperatively with neighboring countries on transboundary issues where these are relevant to the sustainable management of ecosystems and the maintenance of ecological processes."

Action items: the Governments

  1. endorse further action under the Treaty to Combat Desertification.
  2. pledge to create an institutional and inter-sectoral dialogue, informed by expert scientific advice, to better define hemispheric conservation goals and to identify opportunities for action, especially in a transboundary context. (?Possible role for OAS, such as by serving as forum for dialogue?)
  3. pledge to encourage access to biodiversity information, building on the Inter-American Biodiversity Information Network (IABIN) initiative of the Bolivia Summit, and other existing international initiatives.


Prepared and cleared among the following organizations:

World Wildlife Fund (WWF)- U.S.

WWF- Canada

The Nature Conservancy

World Resources Institute

Esquel Group Foundation

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