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Fostering Participation of Civil Society

The UPD has worked on several fronts to strengthen and make more effective the institutions of civil society and governments, including providing support to member states that are in crisis, post-crisis and longer-term uncertain circumstances, with a view toward supporting on-going democratic consolidation. 

A Democratic Forum on "The Role of Civil Society in the Consolidation of Democracy in the Americas" took place at the OAS Headquarters on May 24, 1999. The goal of the Forum was to examine the role of Civil Society in the processes of Democratic consolidation and in the formulation of public policies. Likewise, the Forum aimed to contribute to the permanent discussion on issues of Civil Society within the process of the Summit of the Americas by means of constructive examples that show the cooperation between civil society and democratic institutions. Experiences in Colombia, Mexico and Trinidad and Tobago were analyzed on issues as Local Governments, Legislative Power and the ability to govern in the Caribbean, respectively. 
