Summits of the Americas Newsletter

February 2008 | Summits Online | Espaņol

BACK TO NEWSLETTER: Youth and the Inter-American agenda | Ministerials: Agriculture - Labor - Education

Youth and the Inter-American agenda

Amb. Carmen Marina Gutierrez, Director, Summits of the Americas Secretariat

Today, a vast array of problems beset us: the need to reduce inequality and provide better education, health, water, job opportunities, reduce crime and promote good governance. These require the formulation of public policies geared to broaden and strengthen social cohesion and promote a sense of belonging in every country.

Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC) is a very young region. In fact, 67.5% of the total population of the LAC region -- close to 350 million people -- is under 35 years of age. It is therefore essential that our inter-American system respond; and promote a greater involvement of youth in matters of social, cultural, economic and political importance. This will help to ensure the dignity and quality of life for the next generation of citizens of the Americas.

In view of so many challenges, it is especially disconcerting that political involvement is low among the youth of our region. In this regard, it is essential to promote civic and political participation among youth.

The theme of the General Assembly this year, Youth and Democratic Values, will place on center stage the younger generation and the promotion of democratic values and practices, as defined in the Inter-American Democratic Charter. As a cross-cutting topic of the Inter-American agenda and the member states, it will enable a global discussion that will address a broad array of cross-cutting sub-themes such as violence, social development, labor, education, environment, migration, economic growth, disaster mitigation, and gender equity. All of these are at the core of democratic governance.

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