AG/RES. 1684 (XXIX-O/99)
8 June 1999
Original: Spanish


(Adopted at the third plenary session, held on June 8, 1999,
and pending review by the Style Committee)


HAVING SEEN the debate of the foreign ministers and heads of delegation on the reshaping of democracy and its consolidation as a challenge for the new millennium;

BEARING IN MIND the principles and ideals of freedom, peace, democracy, social justice, integral development, and solidarity embodied in the OAS Charter;

REAFFIRMING the Santiago Commitment to Democracy and the Renewal of the Inter-American System, whereby the ministers of foreign affairs and heads of delegation declared their decision to adopt efficacious, timely, and expeditious procedures to ensure the promotion and defense of democracy, in keeping with the OAS Charter;

REITERATING that extreme poverty and economic and social inequalities are inimical to the consolidation and stability of democracy in the Hemisphere, as highlighted in the Declaration of Nassau;

RECALLING the Declaration of Principles of the First Summit of the Americas (1994) and the Plan of Action of Santiago of the Second Summit of the Americas (1998), which proclaim the importance of strengthening democratic mechanisms in the Hemisphere; and

CONSIDERING that it is necessary to promote and strengthen in its entirety the democratic system of government,


1. To instruct the Permanent Council, through the Working Group on Representative Democracy and in conjunction with the Unit for the Promotion of Democracy, within the framework of the Charter and of international law, to examine and promote a seminar for analysis and reflection on participatory democracy.

2. To request the governments of the member states to submit their comments on the matter to the Working Group on a date to be determined by the Permanent Council.

3. To request the Permanent Council to present a report on the Working Group's conclusions and recommendations, which may lead to the adoption by the Organization of a declaration on the enhancement of democratic institutions in the Hemisphere.

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