Resolutions on Civil Society from OAS General Assemblies

Resolutions approved at the XXXIII OAS General Assembly - Santiago, Chile - June 8-10, 2003

Resolutions approved at the XXXII OAS General Assembly - Bridgetown, Barbados - June 2-4, 2002

  • AG/RES. 1852 (XXXII-O/02) Increasing and Strengthening Civil Society Participation in OAS Activities

    This Resolution instructs the Permanent Council to adopt strategies for increasing and strengthening civil society participation in the Organization’s activities. It instructs, as well, the Inter-American Council for Integral Development (CIDI) and the General Secretariat of the OAS to facilitate contributions by civil society organizations so that the equal and equitable participation of both men and women are maximized.


  • AG/RES. 1901 (XXXII-O/02) Declaration of La Paz on Decentralization and on Strengthening Regional and Municipal Administrations and Participation of Civil Society

    This Resolution expresses the OAS’ firm support for the objectives outlined at the Meeting of Ministers and High-Level Authorities Responsible for Policies on Decentralization, Local Government, and Citizen Participation at the Municipal Level in the Hemisphere, held in La Paz, Bolivia from July 29-31, 2001, and reiterates the request made by the Ministers to the Inter-American Development Bank, the Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean, the World Bank, and the Andean Development Corporation for support in developing and implementing the decisions made at the La Paz meeting. This Resolution also thanks the government of Mexico for its offer to host the Second Meeting of Ministers in Mexico City during the latter part of 2003.

Resolutions approved at the XXXI OAS General Assembly - San José, Costa Rica - June 3-5, 2001

  • AG/RES. 1834 (XXXI-O/01) The Organization of American States and civil society

    This Resolution asks the Permanent Council to, in accordance with the participation guidelines for Civil Society Organizations in OAS activities, elaborate strategies that will increase their participation in the OAS.

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