Summit Follow Up

Mar del Plata, Argentina, 2005
IV Summit of the Americas


At the Fourth Summit of the Americas (2005), Heads of State and Government of the Americas addressed Summit implementation and follow-up. The Declaration of Mar del Plata recognizes the important role of the OAS in the implementation and follow-up of the mandates. The General Secretariat of the OAS was called upon to continue acting as the technical secretariat. In this role, the Secretariat should support the Summit Implementation Review Group (SIRG) meetings, ministerial meetings and specialized conferences. The Secretariat is also responsible for enabling civil society participation and disseminating information about the Summit Process and the commitments agreed upon by the Member States. Furthermore, the Declaration calls upon the members of the Joint Summit Working Group (JSWG) to continue with activities and programs that support the follow-up and implementation of all mandates emanating from the Summits and to help with preparations for future Summits. In the Fourth Summit of the Americas Plan of Action, leaders expressed the need to ensure that the OAS and other organizations have the financial and institutional capacity to implement commitments made within the framework of the Summit Process.



Quebec City, Canada, 2001
Third Summit of the Americas

At the Quebec City Summit of the Americas, the Heads of State and Government recognized the central role that the OAS performs in support of the Summits of the Americas process, commending the Organization for its work as the technical secretariat and the institutional memory of the process. To formalize this role, the OAS Secretary General signed Executive Order No. 02-03 on May 31, 2002, which strengthens the responsibilities of the Office of Summit Follow Up and renames it the Secretariat for the Summit Process. Under this new title, the Secretariat will continue to coordinate the implementation of Summit mandates in the OAS and provide support to: ministerial and sectoral meetings; the SIRG and CISC; and in the preparations for the next Summit of the Americas. At the same time, it will continue to coordinate the participation of civil society in the Summit process and in the OAS.

  • Summit Management
  • Implementation and Financing

Miami, Florida, USA, 1994 
First Summit of the Americas


This issue was not discussed at the First Summit



Fourth Summit of the Americas, Mar del Plata, Argentina 2005

Follow Up
IV Summit


Mar del Plata Plan of Action



70. Asegurar que la OEA y otras organizaciones hemisféricas, cuenten con los recursos financieros y la capacidad institucional para implementar los compromisos de las Cumbres.



Declaration of Mar del Plata


74 We recognize the pivotal role that the OAS plays in the implementation and follow-up of Summit mandates, and we instruct the General Secretariat to continue to act as technical secretariat; provide support for meetings of the Summit Implementation Review Group (SIRG), ministerial meetings, and specialized conferences; coordinate the participation of civil society; and ensure the dissemination of information on the Summits Process and the commitments adopted by the countries.

75 We instruct the members of the Joint Summit Working Group, comprised of the OAS, IDB, Economic Commission for Latin América and the Caribbean (ECLAC), PAHO, Inter-American Institute for Cooperation on Agriculture (IICA), Central American Bank for Economic Integration (CABEI), the World Bank, ILO, International Organization for Migration (OIM), Institute for Connectivity in the Americas (ICA), Caribbean Development Bank (CDB), and the Andean Development Corporation (CAF), under the coordination of the OAS, to continue, through their respective activities and programs, to support the follow-up and implementation of the Declarations and Plans of Action of the Summits of the Americas, and of the Declaration and Plan of Action of Mar del Plata, as well as to assist in the preparations for future summits.


Mar del Plata Plan of Action (complete version): English | Español | Português | Français
Declaration of Mar del Plata (complete version): English | Español | Português  | Français

Third Summit of the Americas, Quebec City, Canada 2001

Follow Up
III Summit

Follow Up to the Plan of Action

On the occasion of our third meeting, in Quebec City, we underscore the need to deepen and broaden our cooperation to meet the needs and provide for the aspirations of citizens. To achieve these objectives, it is fundamental that we effectively implement the commitments we have made. To this end:

We recognize the primary role of governments in the implementation of the Plan of Action.

We welcome and encourage the extensive sectoral cooperation that exists at the ministerial level in various sectors, which form the building blocks of hemispheric cooperation. We direct our respective Ministers to continue to support the implementation of the mandates contained within this Plan of Action and to report on progress.



Summit Management


We continue to support the SIRG as the primary body, accountable through Foreign Ministers, for the monitoring of implementation of Summit mandates.

With the objective of strengthening hemispheric inclusion in the Summit of the Americas process, we agree to the formation of a regionally representative Executive Council of the SIRG, with a permanent Steering Committee composed of past, current and future Summit hosts. The Executive Council shall serve:

  • - to assess, strengthen and support follow-up of Summit initiatives, with the OAS serving as the technical secretariat and institutional memory of the Summit process;

  • - to maximize coherence between the Summit of the Americas process and mandates and subregional Summit processes;

  • - to deepen partnerships and coordination between the Summit of the Americas process and its partner institutions (OAS, PAHO, IICA, IDB, ECLAC, and the World Bank), including examination of the suitability of new relationships with subregional MDBs; and

  • - to advance greater engagement and partnerships with subregional foundations, and with civil society groups, including business and the voluntary sector, in the support of Summit mandates.

The Steering Committee shall assist the Summit Chair in preparing for future Summits, including preparations for SIRG meetings.


Implementation and Financing


We underscore the need for ongoing dialogue and coordination in the inter-American system to ensure the effective and efficient implementation of Summit mandates. We welcome the engagement of the institutional partners (OAS, PAHO, IICA, IDB, ECLAC and the World Bank) in all stages of the Summit of the Americas process and endorse:

  • regular dialogue between the SIRG and the partner institutions to ensure coordination in the planning, financing and implementation of Summit mandates;

  • participation of the Heads of the partner institutions at future ministerial-level meetings of the SIRG; and

  • the strengthening of collaboration and greater exchanges of information and expertise among MDBs, inter-American organizations and national agencies, with a view to encouraging effective use of their resources, optimizing effectiveness of program delivery, avoiding unnecessary overlap and duplication in existing mandates, maximizing funding opportunities for beneficiaries and ensuring consistency in the implementation of the Summit initiatives aimed at advancing greater social equity.

We recognize the essential role of the MDBs and funding agencies in mobilizing expertise and resources in support of the social and economic goals of the Plan of Action. We direct our Ministers, working with the SIRG, to explore with the partner institutions, the ongoing financial support of initiatives, and encourage:

  • our national representatives on the Boards of these institutions to promote the development of programs supportive of the Summit’s social and economic goals;

  • efforts of the IDB and the World Bank to provide expertise and mobilize resources for initiatives consistent with priority areas of programming;

  • active pursuit of improved communication and coordination between National Coordinators and Executive Directors of the IDB and the World Bank, including a meeting between the SIRG and Executive Directors to discuss implementation of Summit mandates;

  • the strengthening of relationships at the national level among government ministries and agencies responsible for the implementation of Summit mandates, the IDB and the World Bank, to ensure greater exchange in the planning and implementation of Summit mandates;

  • Western Hemisphere Finance Ministers to increase their engagement in and support of the overall Summit of the Americas agenda, both with respect to their position as Finance Ministers, and as applicable, as Governors of the MDBs; we instruct our Finance Ministers to give consideration to the establishment of financial mechanisms to support the Summit initiatives; and

  • Efforts of the Inter-American Agency for Cooperation and Development (IACD) to secure financing from both traditional and new sources, including new partnerships with the private sector, and its efforts to have the goals of the Summit inform the development of its Strategic Plan 2002-2005.

We recognize the central role of the OAS in supporting the Summit of the Americas process and the function that the OAS Special Committee on Inter-American Summits Management (CEGCI) fulfills in coordinating the efforts of the OAS in this regard and in serving as a forum for civil society to contribute to the Summit of the Americas process.

We instruct Foreign Ministers at the next General Assembly of the OAS in San Jose, Costa Rica, to strengthen and reform, where appropriate, the institutional mechanisms and financial capacity of the General Secretariat of the Organization to support the Summit of the Americas process, as technical secretariat, and to provide support to ministerial and sectoral meetings relevant to the OAS. In addition, we instruct the creation of a specific fund to finance the activities to support the SIRG.

We further support consideration by the OAS, other inter-American organizations and national governments, of ways in which civil society can contribute to the monitoring and implementation of Summit mandates, for recommendation to the SIRG as well as further development of mechanisms and information systems to ensure the dissemination of information on the Summit of the Americas process and the commitments assumed by governments.

Quebec Plan of Action (complete version):  English | Spanish | French | Portuguese




Committee Agenda, with Presentations and other Documents:


Documents of the OAS Special Committee on Inter-American Summits Management, (documents presented by document number):




To view the OAS Permanent Council website for the CISC, please click here.  


XXXIII OAS General Assembly
Santiago, Chile
June 8-10, 2003



XXXII OAS General Assembly
Bridgetown, Barbados
June 2-4, 2002


  • AG/RES. 1847 (XXXII-O/02) Support for and Follow-up to the Summits of the Americas Process

    This Resolution notes with satisfaction the creation of the Joint Summit Working Group, comprised of the OAS, the Inter-American Institute for Cooperation on Agriculture (IIAC), the Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC), the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB), the Pan-American Health Organization (PAHO), the Andean Development Corporation, the Caribbean Development Bank, and the Central American Bank for Economic Integration. It further notes that the creation of this group will facilitate the coordinated, timely, and effective follow-up to the Summits of the Americas process and will support the preparations for the Fourth Summit of the Americas, to be held in Argentina in either 2004 or 2005.

  • AG/RES. 1848 (XXXII-O/02) The OAS Restructuring and Modernization Process

    This Resolution calls for the restructuring of the OAS to strengthen its capacity to respond effectively to the changing nature of the world and the organization’s role therein. It refers specifically to the institutional and financial faculties of the OAS General Secretariat.




XXXI OAS General Assembly
San José, Costa Rica
June 3-5, 2001


  • AG/RES. 1812 (XXXI-O/01) Follow-up and Implementation of the Mandates of the Third Summit of the Americas within the Framework of the Inter-American Council for Integral Development (CIDI) and the Inter-American Agency for Cooperation and Development (ACD)I

    This Resolution instructs the General Secretariat to present a plan to organize its support for the fulfillment of the Summit mandates in the area of cooperation.

  • AG/RES. 1822 (XXXI-O/01) Support of the Inter-American Development Bank for the Summit of the Americas Action Plan

    This Resolution invites the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) to examine its policies and procedures so that they reflect a greater correspondence with Summit values and objectives. It also encourages the IDB to incorporate those priorities into its programs and analyze its activities so that they lend greater support to the implementation of and follow up to the Summit Plan of Action.

  • AG/RES. 1824 (XXXI-O/01) Support for and Follow-up to the Summits of the Americas Process

    This Resolution charges OAS organs, agencies and entities to continue giving high priority to implementing the initiatives assigned to them by the General Assembly and in accordance with mandates from the Summit of the Americas. At the same time, it charges the General Secretariat to, through its Office of Summit Follow Up, act as the technical secretariat and institutional memory for the Summit process, as stated in the Quebec City Summit Plan of Action. It is also asked to continue giving the necessary support to the ministerial and sectorial meetings related to the implementation of Summit mandates in those areas relevant to the OAS. The Resolution asks the Secretary General to formulate suggestions with respect to the ways in which Civil Society Organizations can contribute to the monitoring and implementation of the Summit initiatives, for its later recommendation to the Summit Implementation Review Group (SIRG). The Secretary General is asked to present to the Permanent Council proposals on the need to strengthen and reform the Organization's institutional and financial mechanisms so that they support the Summit of the Americas process. It is also charged with establishing, in accordance with instructions from the Third Summit of the Americas, a specific fund with voluntary contributions to finance OAS activities in support of the SIRG.

  • AG/RES. 1836 (XXXI-O/01) Modernization of the OAS and Renewal of the Inter-American System

    This Resolution requests that the General Secretariat develop a project proposal for OAS restructuring and modernization based on a study and global analysis that compares the organizational structure with the mandates and resources of the Organization to efficiently fulfill General Assembly and Summit of the America mandates.

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