Updated February 10, 2003

Justice, Rule of Law and Security of the Individual
Access to Justice

Inter American Convention on Mutual Assistance in Criminal Matters

The Convention was adopted in Nassau, the Bahamas in 1992 during the OAS General Assembly and it entered into effect four years later.  This Convention establishes the dispositions in which the states shall render to one another mutual assistance in criminal matters. The assistance will be based on cooperation requests among the entities in charge of investigations or prosecution in each required State. The assistance may include the notification of resolutions and sentences, testimonies or declaration of people or witnesses, the immobilization of assets, the embargo of goods, the exhibition of judicial documents and the transfer of detainees, among others.

To date, Canada, Colombia, Ecuador, United States, Granada, Nicaragua, Panama, Peru, and Venezuela have ratified the Convention. Guatemala signed the Convention on September 19th, 2002 and it will enter into force in this country once it is ratified.

For more information on the Inter American Convention on Mutual Assistance in Criminal Matters, please click here.


Updated February 10, 2003
