Eventos 2004

Enero 2004

8 - 11

XXXIV Meeting of the Summit Implementation Review Group
Monterrey, Mexico

 12 - 13


Special Summit of the Americas
Monterrey, Mexico


28 - 30


IV Regular Session of the Inter-American Committee Against Terrorism
Montevideo, Uruguay



Association of American Chamber of Commerce in Latin America's "Outlook on the Americas,"
Miami Beach, Florida

Febrero 2004

2 - 6

V Meeting of the Committee of Experts on the Follow Up Mechanism to the Inter-American Convention against Corruption
Washington D.C.

11 - 13

VII Western Hemisphere Transport Initiative Executive Committee Meeting
São Paulo, Brazil

12 - 13

Meeting of Government Experts to Exchange, from a Human Rights Perspective, Best Practices and National Experiences in Adopting Antiterrorism Measures
Washington, DC

25 – 27

Western Hemispheric Port Security Conference, Workshops and Trade Exhibition
Miami, FL

Marzo 2004

1 - 5

  Multilateral Evaluation Mechanism (MEM) - 2nd Evaluation Round - 2nd Drafting Session of GEG for the Implementation of Recommendations
Washington, DC

7 - 11

Inter-American Development Bank Annual Meeting
Lima, Peru


Abril 2004

1 - 2

First Meeting of the Conference of State Parties within the MESICIC Framework
Washington, DC


Special Private Sector Post Summit Debriefing of the Monterrey Summit of the Americas For Heads of State and the Future for Democratic Governance in Haiti
Coral Gables, FL, USA

5 - 6

Meeting of the Inter-American Commission of Social Development

19 - 21

VI Western Hemisphere Energy Ministers
Trinidad and Tobago

19 - 23

IV World Summit on Media for Children and Adolescents
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil


Special Session of the OAS Permanent Council on the Promotion of Women's Human Rights and Gender Equity and Equality
Washington, DC

21 - 23

Second Meeting of Ministers or of the Highest-Ranking Authorities Responsible for the Advancement of Women in the Member States
Washington, DC

26 - 27

Civil Society Hemispheric Forum
Quito, Ecuador

28 - 30

V Meeting of Ministers of Justice and Attorneys General of the Americas
Washington, DC

28 - 30

Special Session of the Working Group responsible for the Draft American Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples
Washington, DC


Workshop on Occupational Safety and Health,Part of the calendar of activities of the XIII Inter-American Conference of Ministers of Labour (IACML)
San Salvador, El Salvador

Mayo 2004

28 - 29

III European Union Latin American and the Caribbean Summit
Guadalajara, Jalisco - Mexico

10 - 21

Multilateral Evaluation Mechanism (MEM) - 3rd Evaluation Round of the MEM - 1st Drafting Session of the Governmental Expert Group (GEG)
Washington, DC

Junio 2004

1 - 4

The Latin American and Caribbean Seminar. Partnerships for a New Era, Achieving the Millenium Development Goals
Santiago, Chile


Dialogue between the Ministers of Foreign Affairs, the Heads of Member States delegations and Civil Society Representatives within the framework of the XXXIV Regular Session of the OAS General Assembly
Quito, Ecuador

6 - 9

XXXIV Regular Session of the OAS General Assembly 
Quito, Ecuador


XXXV SIRG (Ministerial), Preparations for the IV Summit Follow-up on Summit mandates
Quito, Ecuador

8 - 10

XXX G8 Summit
Sea Island, USA


World Day Against Child Labour
Miami, Florida

28 - 29

First Regional Seminar "Civil Society in Peace- building, Regional Security and Prevention of Conflicts in Latin America and the Caribbean"
Buenos Aires, Argentina

Julio 2004

4 - 7

25th Meeting of the Conference of Heads of Government of the Caribbean Community (CARICOM)

7 - 8

XXVI Meeting of Common Market Council and Summit of the Heads of Government of Mercosur and Associated States
Puerto Iguazú, Argentina

8 - 9

Meeting of the States Parties of The Inter-American Convention Against Corruption
Managua, Nicaragua

8 - 9

VII Mines Ministries of the Americas Conference (CAMMA)
Quito, Ecuador

8 - 12

XV Summit of the Andean Presidential Council
Quito, Ecuador

20 - 21

Meeting of Experts on Follow-up to the Convention of Belém do Pará

26 - 30

VI Meeting of the Committee of Experts on the Follow Up Mechanism to the Inter-American Convention against Corruption
Washington, DC

Agosto 2004

23 - 24

Segunda Reunión Interamericana de Ministros y Altas Autoridades de Cultura
Unidad responsable: Unidad de Desarrollo Social y Educación
México DF., México


Grupo Consultivo de Donantes (DCG) sobre Rendición de Cuentas y Anti-corrupción en las Américas
Unidad responsable: Oficina del Proceso de Cumbres
Washington DC


Septiembre 2004

8 - 9

Conference on Trade and Investment in the Americas.
Organismos responsables: CAF-OEA-Inter-American Dialogue
Congreso de los Estados Unidos


20 - 23

Inter-American Seminar on Education for Democracy. Organizing institutions: Center for Civic Education and General Secretariat of the OAS throught the Unit for the Promotion of the Democracy (UPD) and the Unit for Social Social Development and Education (UDSE)
Washington DC

28 - 29

Foro Internacional sobre la No Discriminación, Los Desafíos Económicos, Fiscales y Judiciales de la Implementación de Leyes Anti-Discriminación en Latinoamérica
Organismo responsable: BID
Ciudad de México, México


27 Sep - 01 Oct

XLV Consejo Directivo y LVI Sesión del Comité Regional de la OPS (Reunión de los Ministros de Salud)
Organismo responsable: OPS
Washington DC

30 Sep - 01 Oct

The US Elections and Latin America’s Future (Miami Herald Conference).
Biltmore Hotel Miami

30 Sep - 01 Oct

Los Derechos Humanos de todos los trabajadores Migratorios y sus Familias
Organismo responsable: OEA Grupo de Trabajo CP
Washington DC

Octubre 2004

7 - 8

Payments in the Americas
Organismo responsable: Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta
Atlanta, Georgia


13 - 14

Foro "Operational Dimensions of Supplying Regional Public Goods through Development Assistance”
Organismo responsable: BID
Tokyo, Japón

18 - 19

II Reunión de la Comisión Interamericana de Educación
Unidad Responsable: Oficina de Educación, Ciencia y Tecnología de la OEA
Washington, DC


19 - 20

Unidad responsable: Oficina del Proceso de Cumbres
Washington, DC

27 - 29

XXXII Asamblea de Delegadas de la CIM

Unidad responsable: Comisión Interamericana de Mujeres (CIM)

  Washington, DC

27 - 29

XIX Congreso Panamericano del Niño
Ciudad de México

Noviembre 2004

8 - 11

IV Reunión y Sesión Especial de Negociación de la Declaración Americana de los Derechos de los Pueblos Indígenas
Unidad responsable: Oficina del Proceso de Cumbres
Washington, DC


9 - 11

Cuarta Reunión Anual del Foro Interamericano sobre Partidos Políticos
Unidad responsable: Unidad para la Promoción de la Democracia

Brasilia, Brasil


11 - 12

Primera Reunión Hemisférica de Ministros y Autoridades de Alto Nivel de Ciencia y Tecnología bajo el Marco del CIDI

Unidad Responsable: Oficina de Ciencia y Tecnología

Lima, Perú

16 - 21

VI Reunión de los Ministros de Defensa de las Américas
Quito, Ecuador


Serie Seminarios de Cumbres “Consulta con las Organizaciones de la Sociedad Civil”
 Unidad responsable: Oficina del Proceso de Cumbres
Washington, DC

Nov 30 - Dic 3

XIV Reunión del Comité Directivo de la Comisión Interamericana de Telecomunicaciones –CITEL
Buenos Aires, Argentina

Deciembre 2004

1 - 3

VI Reunión del Comité Ejecutivo de la Comisión Interamericana de Puertos
Managua, Nicaragua

6 - 8

28th Miami Conference on the Caribbean Basin: “Strengthening the Third Border”


Reunión de la Comisión sobre Gestión de Cumbres Interamericanas y Participación de la Sociedad Civil en las actividades de la OEA
Washington DC

7 - 9

Trigésimo Sexto Período Ordinario de Sesiones de la CICAD
Washington DC