Organization of American States Summits of the Americas
Follow-up and Implementation: Mandates

ENERGY: Improved Access to Energy

  1. We recognise that energy is an essential resource for improving the standard of living of our peoples and that access to energy is of paramount importance to economic growth with equity and social inclusion. We will aim to develop cleaner, more affordable and sustainable energy systems, to promote access to energy and energy efficient technologies and practices in all sectors. We will aim to diversify our energy matrices by increasing, where appropriate, the contribution of renewable energy sources, and will encourage the cleaner, more efficient use of fossil fuels and other fuels. (Declaration of Port of Spain, 2009).

  1. Increase access of rural inhabitants to energy services. (Plan of Action Santiago, 1998).

  • Initiative 61. Substantially increase access to energy services by under-served areas, especially rural and indigenous communities. In this regard, encourage community participation and cooperation of international agencies in the implementation, where pertinent, as well as in the financing of appropriate and efficient energy services. (Plan of Action Santa Cruz de la Sierra, 1996).

  • 21.1 Consistent with Agenda 21 and the Framework Convention on Climate Change, sustainable energy development and use promote economic development and address environmental concerns. Governments and the private sector should promote increased access to reliable, clean, and least cost energy services through activities and projects that meet economic, social, and environmental requirements within the context of national sustainable development goals and national legal frameworks. (Plan of Action Miami, 1994).

  • 21.5 Promote, in cooperation with the private sector and rural and isolated communities, rural electrification programs which take into account where appropriate the utilization of renewable energy sources, in accordance with the domestic regulatory framework .(Plan of Action Miami, 1994).



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