Organization of American States Summits of the Americas
Follow-up and Implementation: Mandates

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LABOR: Child Labor

  1. Work with civil society, workers groups, and employer sector representatives to eliminate forced labor, child labor, and violence, harassment, and discrimination in the workplace; to decrease informality in the labor market; and to protect freedom of association and the right to collective bargaining, including the protection of workers from reprisals for exercising these rights. (Inter-American Action Plan on Democratic Governance, IX Summit of the Americas, Los Angeles, 2022).

  1. Strengthen the public procurement and acquisition policies at the national, regional, and international levels, to include:

    • d. Developing and implementing effective measures that address informality and job insecurity, and prevent and combat corruption and abuses, including forced labor and child labor in global supply chains, by developing transparent public procurement standards and compliance requirements or codes of conduct, related to the sustainable procurement of goods and services, as applicable and in keeping with domestic legislation and international obligations of States.

    • e. Developing and implementing, as appropriate and in accordance with domestic legislation, mechanisms to prevent, investigate, or, where necessary, punish corruption, including bribery, trading in influence, child labor and forced labor in the procurement of goods and services of the public and private sectors in collaboration with the authorities responsible for law enforcement and other actors. (Inter-American Action Plan on Democratic Governance, IX Summit of the Americas, Los Angeles, 2022).


  1. We reiterate our commitment to protect all people, particularly women, children and adolescents, from all forms of trafficking in persons and sexual and economic exploitation, and to provide protection and attention to the victims. We call on Ministers responsible for education, labour, social development, security and justice to adopt coordinated national strategies to prevent and eradicate the worst forms of child labour by 2020 at the latest, in accordance with the Plan of Action of the Fourth Summit in Mar del Plata, Argentina, and in accordance with national legislation, and to develop innovative strategies to bring children and adolescents who are victims back into healthy learning environments. We also reiterate our commitment to eliminate forced labour before 2010. (Declaration of Port of Spain, 2009).

  1. We commit to protecting children from economic exploitation and from any tasks that may interfere with their education and integral development, according to the principle of the effective abolition of child labor, which is contained in the ILO Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work (1998). In addition, we will take immediate and effective measures to prevent and eradicate the worst forms of child labor according to Convention 182 of the ILO (1999). We will strive to improve access to and the quality of basic education for all children, recognizing that providing educational opportunities is an investment in the future of our societies (Declaration of Mar del Plata, 2005).

  1. We recognize the importance of facilitating the integration of youth into the labor market, expanding coverage and improving the quality of information services and career counseling (Declaration of Mar del Plata, 2005).

  1. We agree that in order to improve employment opportunities we must ensure quality education for all citizens, which requires the evaluation of our efforts based on clearly defined standards and accountability for results (Declaration of Mar del Plata, 2005).

  1. To eradicate by 2020, at the latest, the worst forms of child labor and reduce the number of children that work in violation of national laws. We shall continue strengthening national policies that enable achievement of these goals. In addition to providing quality basic education, we undertake to build bridges between child labor eradication programs and other support programs, such as income support programs, extracurricular activities and training. To meet this objective, countries shall set national goals and deadlines based on the local situation (Plan of Action Mar del Plata, 2005).

  1. We are committed to the principles of decent work proclaimed by the International Labor Organization, and we will promote the implementation of the Declaration on the Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work in the conviction that respect for workers’ rights and dignity is an essential element to achieving poverty reduction and sustainable social and economic development for our peoples. Additionally, we agree to take measures to fight the worst forms of child labor. We recognize and support the important work of the Inter-American Conference of Ministers of Labor toward achieving these vital objectives (Declaration of Nuevo León, 2004).

  1. Continue to work towards the elimination of child labor, and as a priority, promote the hemispheric ratification and implementation of the ILO Worst Forms of Child Labor Convention, 1999 (No. 182), work to bring national laws, regulations and policies into conformity with this Convention, and take immediate action to eliminate the worst forms of child labor; (Plan of Action Québec, 2001).

  1. Give special attention to the incorporation of socially-disadvantaged groups into the workforce, including women , minorities, youth , the disabled and other vulnerable populations, and to the services offered by the Ministries of Labor that take into consideration their special needs. At the same time, Governments will further strengthen their overall efforts, and coordination among involved agencies, to address the issue of children at work. The Ministries of Labor will exchange experiences on best practices in these areas (Plan of Action Santiago, 1998).

  1. Exchange informational materials regarding their labor legislation, with the objective of contributing to better mutual knowledge of such legislation as well as to promote core labor standards recognized by the International Labor Organization (ILO) -freedom of association; the right to organize and bargain collectively; the prohibition of forced labor; the elimination of all exploitative forms of child labor; and non-discrimination in employment (Plan of Action Santiago). Such information will also include references to the mechanisms and/or legal authorities of Ministries of Labor to implement core labor standards as a fundamental component of productive workplaces and positive labor-management relations (Plan of Action Santiago, 1998).



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