Organization of American States Summits of the Americas
Follow-up and Implementation: Mandates

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LABOR: Workers’ Organizations

  1. Work with civil society, workers groups, and employer sector representatives to eliminate forced labor, child labor, and violence, harassment, and discrimination in the workplace; to decrease informality in the labor market; and to protect freedom of association and the right to collective bargaining, including the protection of workers from reprisals for exercising these rights. (Inter-American Action Plan on Democratic Governance, IX Summit of the Americas, Los Angeles, 2022).


  1. We recognize the fundamental and unique consultative role of employers’ and workers’ organizations in shaping employment and labor policies. We undertake to promote and facilitate tripartite dialogue in national, subregional, and hemispheric frameworks (Declaration of Mar del Plata, 2005).

  1. To promote an inclusive social tripartite and transparent dialogue as an instrument for the proposition of policies and resolution of labor conflicts in order to strengthen the representation and stimulate the participation of unions and of employer organizations in the formulation and implementation of national policies for the promotion of decent work (Plan of Action Mar del Plata, 2005).

  1. Recognizing that employment is the most direct way in which economic activity is linked to the improvement of the standard of living of our citizens and that true prosperity can only be achieved if it includes protecting and respecting basic rights of workers as well as promoting equal employment opportunities and improving working conditions for people in all countries in the region, with special attention to those in the informal sector, to people belonging to ethnic and religious minorities, other vulnerable persons including women, youth, indigenous, migrant workers, persons with disabilities and persons with HIV/AIDS; and noting the importance of investing in human resource development, of promoting employment security consistent with economic growth and developing mechanisms to assist workers with periods of unemployment, as well as of strengthening cooperation and social dialogue on labor matters among workers, their organizations, employers and governments:(Plan of Action Québec, 2001).



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