Organization of American States Summits of the Americas
OAS facilitates Summits of the Americas Follow-up in Trinidad and Tobago



On April 19, 2010, the Office of the Organization of American States (OAS) in Trinidad and Tobago and the OAS Summits of the Americas Secretariat facilitated a workshop on The Methodology for Use and Application of the Summits of the Americas Follow-up System (SISCA), which was hosted by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago, for members of that country’s Inter-Ministerial Committee for Implementation and Follow-up of the Declaration of Commitment of Port of Spain, 2009.

Cristóbal Dupouy of the Summits of the Americas Secretariat conducted the Workshop, making an in-depth, interactive presentation on SISCA, which was officially launched at OAS Headquarters in Washington D.C. in January 2010 by Secretary General José Miguel Insulza.

SISCA is a mechanism that provides OAS member states with a variety of useful tools. As an interactive on line resource it facilitates the work of governments in preparing the annual reports on progress in implementing Summits mandates and commitments. These reports are presented to the Summit Implementation Review Group (SIRG), comprised of the Foreign Ministers of the Hemisphere, every year at the Ministerial SIRG held in the margins of the OAS General Assembly.

The Workshop, held on the first anniversary of the 5th Summit of the Americas, was chaired by Mr. Gerard Greene, Trinidad and Tobago’s National Summit of the Americas Coordinator and was also addressed by Riyad Insanally, OAS Representative in Trinidad and Tobago. In addition to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the following Ministries were represented: Agriculture, Land and Marine Resources; Education; Energy and Energy Industries; Health; Labour, Small and Micro-Enterprise Development; Local Government; National Security; and Science, Technology and Tertiary Education; as well as the University of Trinidad and Tobago.

National Workshop held in Quito, Ecuador
08/25/10 EN SP

OAS Summits Secretariat conducts SISCA training workshop in Peru
07/20/10 EN SP

OAS facilitates Summits of the Americas Follow-up in Trinidad and Tobago
04/20/10 EN SP

El Salvador hosts first SISCA workshop in Central America
04/15/10 EN SP

Colombia hosts the first SISCA Workshop
02/22/10 EN SP

Agreement SICA – Summits of the Americas Secretariat
02/12/10 EN SP

OAS Secretary General Launches the Summits of the Americas Follow-up System
01/22/10 EN SP

Follow-up and Implementation System (SISCA) Presented to Member States
04/17/09 EN SP

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