Organization of American States Summits of the Americas
Follow-up and Implementation: Mandates


  1. Continue meeting the commitments undertaken at the Eighth Summit of the Americas, in particular the Lima Commitment on Democratic Governance Against Corruption, while reaffirming our commitment to treaties such as the UN Convention against Corruption, the UN Convention against Transnational Organized Crime, and the InterAmerican Convention Against Corruption, and taking the following actions:

    • m. Actively participate in the Mechanism for Follow-up and Implementation of the Lima Commitment, contributing relevant information on the progress made towards delivering on the commitments outlined therein, and using the Database of Best Practices and Regional Capacities in Preventing and Combating Corruption. (Inter-American Action Plan on Democratic Governance, IX Summit of the Americas, Los Angeles, 2022).

  1. Promote regional mechanisms to facilitate meaningful participation of civil society and social actors, including women’s and youth organizations in monitoring the implementation of the Summit commitments. (Inter-American Action Plan on Democratic Governance, IX Summit of the Americas, Los Angeles, 2022).

  1. Foster multi-stakeholder forums for dialogue among the public sector, the private sector, and civil society, including women’s and youth organizations and social actors, to strengthen democratic practices, respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms, anticorruption, and open government efforts, including:

    • f. Promoting parliamentarian engagement as an integral part of the Summits process through ParlAmericas, the interparliamentary organization of the Hemisphere, and other parliamentary organizations. (Inter-American Action Plan on Democratic Governance, IX Summit of the Americas, Los Angeles, 2022).

  1. Request that the Joint Summit Working Group assist States with resources and technical capacity-building to implement the commitments undertaken at the Ninth Summit. (Inter-American Action Plan on Democratic Governance, IX Summit of the Americas, Los Angeles, 2022).

  1. Take note of the recommendations of the Civil Society and Social Actors Forum, the Young Americas Forum, and the CEO Summit of the Americas. (Inter-American Action Plan on Democratic Governance, IX Summit of the Americas, Los Angeles, 2022).

  1. Recognize the role of the Summits of the Americas Secretariat in support of the Chair of the Summits of the Americas process in following up on and facilitating the implementation of the mandates and initiatives stemming from the Ninth Summit of the Americas and prior Summits, as well as that of the Technical Secretariat, which provides institutional memory of the process and serves as the coordinating body of the Joint Summit Working Group. (Inter-American Action Plan on Democratic Governance, IX Summit of the Americas, Los Angeles, 2022).

  1. Instruct the Summit Implementation Review Group (SIRG) to report through the Chair of the Summits of the Americas process on the implementation of this Action Plan. (Inter-American Action Plan on Democratic Governance, IX Summit of the Americas, Los Angeles, 2022).

  1. Integrate commitments emanating from the Summit of the Americas and from other relevant forums relating to the promotion of transparency and combating corruption into Open Government Partnership National Action Plans, as applicable, including: actions to strengthen fiscal transparency and prevent financial crimes, and strengthen openness of public information and data in open formats from the design stage. (Inter-American Action Plan on Democratic Governance, IX Summit of the Americas, Los Angeles, 2022).

  1. Promote the convergence of existing regional initiatives in this Regional Agenda for Digital Transformation in the Americas, based on current commitments and on the national strategies on the matter, as well as the collaboration of the relevant institutions of the inter-American system. (Regional Agenda for Digital Transformation, IX Summit of the Americas, Los Angeles, 2022).

  1. Request support from members of the Joint Summit Working Group for the process of defining and implementing the agenda via the Summit of the Americas process. (Regional Agenda for Digital Transformation, IX Summit of the Americas, Los Angeles, 2022).

  1. The responsible authorities commit to develop an Action Plan in consultation with diverse stakeholders, including civil society and other social actors and the private sector, as appropriate. (Action Plan on Health and Resilience in the Americas, IX Summit of the Americas, Los Angeles, 2022).

  1. The responsible authorities develop and implement the Action Plan with the support of the Pan American Health Organization, the Inter-American Development Bank, the Organization of American States, and other members of the Joint Summit Working Group, as appropriate and consistent with other regional initiatives underway. (Action Plan on Health and Resilience in the Americas, IX Summit of the Americas, Los Angeles, 2022).

  1. To advance the Glasgow Leaders’ Declaration on Forest and Land Use, national deforestation and conservation commitments, and regional efforts to halt and reverse deforestation and conserve, sustainably manage, and use ecosystems, we commit to strengthen our efforts to:

    • a. Work, with the support of regional and subregional organizations, to stimulate sustainable development and promote equal opportunity for populations affected by climate change, including indigenous peoples and local communities, respecting, preserving, and maintaining knowledge, innovations, and practices embodying traditional lifestyles relevant for the conservation and sustainable use of biological diversity, subject to domestic legislation;

    • f. Strengthen the protection of human rights defenders, particularly indigenous peoples and local communities working on environmental matters, in collaboration with stakeholders, to draw up and approve plans by the Tenth Summit of the Americas to: 1) respond to and collect information from environmental defenders about threats or incidences of violence, in keeping with domestic legislation; 2) enact, as appropriate, and enforce laws to protect human rights defenders working on environmental matters and the resources they defend; and 3) carry out and implement environmental assessments, according to existing domestic legislation; (Our Sustainable Green Future, IX Summit of the Americas, Los Angeles, 2022).

  1. To accelerate measures on climate change adaptation, taking into account different national circumstances, we intend to:

    • b. Support the implementation of climate change mitigation and adaptation strategies in all States, particularly in developing countries and with consideration for the particular vulnerabilities of small island developing states, by enhancing opportunities for training to strengthen adaptation capacities and climate resilience across the Hemisphere, through cooperation among States and the work of the Joint Summit Working Group institutions, and report on these efforts through the Summit Implementation Review Group; (Our Sustainable Green Future, IX Summit of the Americas, Los Angeles, 2022).

  1. Encourage multilateral development banks and other key regional financing entities, including the World Bank, the IDB, the CDB, CAF, and CABEI, to consider identifying, developing, and advancing specific and distinct efforts to improve the mobilization of climate financing to increase the implementation of all forms of renewable energy, and reduce climate vulnerability in countries of the Americas, and to promote reporting on the implementation of these initiatives by the Joint Summit Working Group by the X Summit of the Americas. (Accelerating the Clean, Sustainable, Renewable, and Just Energy Transition, IX Summit of the Americas, Los Angeles, 2022).


  1. Recognizing the importance of the Summits Secretariat in following up on and implementing the mandates and initiatives stemming from the VIII Summit of the Americas and prior Summits, as well as that of the Technical Secretariat, which is the institutional memory of the process and the coordinating body of the Joint Summit Working Group (JSWG), and recalling that all tasks to be executed by the OAS stemming from this Lima Commitment and prior Summits are to be implemented respecting the necessary budgetary sustainability of the Organization. (Lima Commitment. Peru, 2018)

  2. Instructing the Summit Implementation Review Group (SIRG) to report through the Chair of the Summits of the Americas Process on the implementation of this Commitment. (Lima Commitment. Peru, 2018)


  1. Recognizing the fundamental importance of international development cooperation in all of its modalities and dimensions, guided by solidarity, flexibility, complementarity, alignment with national priorities and voluntary participation, with particular attention to strengthening institutional capacity and the development of human capital to attain inclusive and sustainable development as the basis of prosperity with equity, and further recognizing the importance of public and private investment in research and development and science and technology infrastructure to encourage inclusive innovation, we intend to work to ensure that our countries, within our national development plans are able to implement the aforementioned Mandates for Action, in particular, to have significantly increased by 2025:

    1. Access to safe drinking water and basic sanitation;
    2. Broadband access to overcome the digital gap;
    3. The number of youth enrolled in secondary or technical education;
    4. Investment in infrastructure and its effectiveness;
    5. Access to credit geared toward human development.

    We entrust the inter-American organizations and institutions to cooperate and coordinate as extensively as they can in implementing the mandates contained in this document. We call on the institutions of the Joint Summits Working Group, other international agencies, as well as civil society organizations and other social actors, including the private sector, to support the implementation of the aforementioned actions.

    We pledge our commitment to periodically follow up on and seek cooperative action on these mandates, through the Summit Implementation Review Group (SIRG) and the Summit of the Americas Follow-up System (SISCA).

    Done at Panama City, Panama, on the eleventh day of April of the year two thousand and fifteen. (Hemispheric Partnership for Development, Initiatives VII Summit of the Americas, Panama City, 2015).

  1. We recognise that the issues of human prosperity, energy security and environmental sustainability are closely intertwined and that an integrated, coherent policy framework is essential to the achievement of the commitments we have made here to the people of our Hemisphere (Declaration of Port of Spain, 2009).

  1. In order to strengthen ministerial participation in and continuity with the Summits of the Americas Process, improve the implementation of our decisions at this Fifth Summit, and increase our accountability to the people of the Americas, we call on the technical secretariats of all inter-American Ministerial Meetings to inform their Ministers and high level authorities of the mandates arising from this Summit and to initiate strategic actions, by the end of 2009, to facilitate the implementation of our commitments. We further commit to convening the Summit of the Americas on a regular basis and no later than every three years (Declaration of Port of Spain, 2009).

  1. Our countries will aim to continue to provide annual national reports to the OAS on the actions and progress made towards achieving the specific objectives set at the Summits of the Americas. In addition, we instruct the General Secretariat of the OAS, in accordance with its central role in supporting the implementation of Summit mandates and in coordination with the members of the Joint Summit Working Group (JSWG), to provide a comprehensive report to the Summit Implementation Review Group (SIRG), annually, on the actions and progress made at all inter-American Ministerial Meetings towards supporting Summit objectives (Declaration of Port of Spain, 2009).

  1. We instruct Ministers of Finance or pertinent authorities to convene a meeting in 2010 to address regional financial and economic issues. In that context, we request that they continue to explore ways to ensure that international financial institutions, regional development banks and other international bodies take due account of the Summit mandates in their lending policies and technical assistance programs for the Hemisphere. We will also continue to strengthen the mechanisms to build strategic alliances within our countries among relevant ministries with responsibility for implementing commitments and mandates contained in this Declaration. To that same end, we will continue to strengthen the capacities of our national authorities to use technical cooperation resources more effectively, with the aim of fulfilling Summit objectives (Declaration of Port of Spain, 2009).

  1. We recognize the pivotal role that the OAS plays in the implementation and follow-up of Summit mandates, and we instruct the General Secretariat to continue to act as technical secretariat; provide support for meetings of the Summit Implementation Review Group (SIRG), ministerial meetings, and specialized conferences; coordinate the participation of civil society; and ensure the dissemination of information on the Summits Process and the commitments adopted by the countries (Declaration of Mar del Plata, 2005).

  1. We express our appreciation to the people and Government of Mexico for hosting this Special Summit, and to the Government of Argentina for confirming its offer to host the Fourth Summit of the Americas in 2005. (Declaration of Nuevo Leon, 2004).

  1. We, the Heads of State and Government of the Americas have accepted the offer of the Government of the Republic of Argentina to host the Fourth Summit of the Americas. (Declaration of Québec, 2001).

  1. The Summits of the Americas exist to serve people. We must develop effective, practical and compassionate solutions for the problems that confront our societies. We do not fear globalization, nor are we blinded by its allure. We are united in our determination to leave to future generations a Hemisphere that is democratic and prosperous, more just and generous, a Hemisphere where no one is left behind. We are committed to making this the century of the Americas. (Declaration of Québec, 2001).

  1. On the occasion of our third meeting, in Quebec City, we underscore the need to deepen and broaden our cooperation to meet the needs and provide for the aspirations of citizens. To achieve these objectives, it is fundamental that we effectively implement the commitments we have made. To this end (Plan of Action Québec, 2001).

  1. We recognize the primary role of governments in the implementation of the Plan of Action (Plan of Action Québec, 2001).

  1. We welcome and encourage the extensive sectoral cooperation that exists at the ministerial level in various sectors, which form the building blocks of hemispheric cooperation. We direct our respective Ministers to continue to support the implementation of the mandates contained within this Plan of Action and to report on progress (Plan of Action Québec, 2001).

  1. We continue to support the SIRG as the primary body, accountable through Foreign Ministers, for the monitoring of implementation of Summit mandates (Plan of Action Québec, 2001).

  1. With the objective of strengthening hemispheric inclusion in the Summit of the Americas process, we agree to the formation of a regionally representative Executive Council of the SIRG, with a permanent Steering Committee composed of past, current and future Summit hosts. The Executive Council shall serve: <

    • to assess, strengthen and support follow-up of Summit initiatives, with the OAS serving as the technical secretariat and institutional memory of the Summit process;

    • to maximize coherence between the Summit of the Americas process and mandates and subregional Summit processes;

    • to deepen partnerships and coordination between the Summit of the Americas process and its partner institutions (OAS, PAHO, IICA, IDB, ECLAC, and the World Bank), including examination of the suitability of new relationships with subregional MDBs; and

    • to advance greater engagement and partnerships with subregional foundations, and with civil society groups, including business and the voluntary sector, in the support of Summit mandates. (Plan of Action Québec, 2001).

  1. The Steering Committee shall assist the Summit Chair in preparing for future Summits, including preparations for SIRG meetings (Plan of Action Québec, 2001).

  1. We, the democratically-elected Heads of State and Government of the countries of the Americas, have met in Santiago, Chile, in order to continue the dialogue and strengthen the cooperation we began in Miami in December 1994. Since that time, significant progress has been made in the formulation and execution of joint plans and programs in order to take advantage of the great opportunities before us. We reaffirm our will to continue this most important undertaking, which requires sustained national efforts and dynamic international cooperation. (Declaration of Santiago, 1998).

  1. With the intention of achieving a greater impact in our national and collective efforts, we charge national agencies and organizations responsible for international cooperation with supporting the preparation and implementation of programs and projects which flow from the Plan of Action. Moreover, we request the participation of the multilateral cooperation institutions with the same objective (Plan of Action Santiago, 1998).

  1. The Heads of State and Government will continue to meet periodically to deepen cooperation and understanding among the countries of the Americas, and, to that end, will strengthen the hemispheric institutional framework (Plan of Action Santiago, 1998).

  1. The Governments will bear primary responsibility for implementation of the mandates of the Summit. The mechanism established by their Foreign Ministers, called the "Summit Implementation Review Group" (SIRG), will continue functioning under their immediate authority. The National Summit Coordinators of the Foreign Ministries will guarantee rapid contact, through the appropriate channels, with all Government agencies involved in carrying out the mandates resulting from the Summit meetings. (Plan of Action Santiago, 1998).

  1. The SIRG will meet on a periodic basis (two or three times a year) to monitor the follow-up process and assess the degree to which the Summit mandates have been fulfilled. It will be chaired by the country holding the Summit and co-chaired by both the country that has most recently served as host and the country that will serve as the next host ("troika"). Decisions will be adopted by consensus. (Plan of Action Santiago, 1998).

  • III.1.1 Entrust to the Organization of American States (OAS) the role of coordinating follow-up on the various decisions of the Summit of the Americas on Sustainable Development. To this end, the OAS will convene the necessary meetings at the appropriate level. In particular, the OAS, through the Inter-American Committee on Sustainable Development (CIDS), will review progress on this Plan of Action as part of its agenda. The Secretary General of the OAS will prepare a report on such progress, to be made available prior to the 1998 Summit of the Americas, to which end he should:

    • Gather the relevant final documents from all ministerial and other high-level and technical meetings which take place in the context of this Plan of Action; and

    • Collect any national reports prepared voluntarily under this Plan of Action as well as other reports on the fulfillment of commitments and agreements adopted in the relevant fora on sustainable development, when these reports include references to initiatives undertaken in the context of this Plan of Action. . (Plan of Action Santa Cruz de la Sierra, 1996).

  • III.2.7 Based on the evaluation conducted within the framework of the special session of the United Nations General Assembly on progress in fulfilling the financing commitments undertaken at the United Nations Conference on Environment and Development, and according to the information provided by the member countries of the OAS on the financial resources provided in accordance with paragraph 7 of the Declaración de Santa Cruz de la Sierra, 1996 and other paragraphs of the Declaration referring to domestic and international financing measures for the purpose of implementing the Plan of Action, entrust the OAS with identifying response mechanisms, as well as ways and means of strengthening public and private financing for sustainable development in the Hemisphere. In performing this task, the OAS should have the assistance of UNDP, the World Bank, the IDB, and the Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC), among other hemispheric cooperation organizations and international financial institutions as well as relevant regional and subregional organizations. Proposals to this effect should be channeled for consideration through the follow-up mechanism described in section III.1. (Plan of Action Santa Cruz de la Sierra, 1996).

  • III.2.8 Support debt reduction and reconversion programs at governmental, multilateral, bilateral, and private sector levels, drawing on the experience of countries that have adopted such programs, as mechanisms for encouraging the financing of this Plan of Action. (Plan of Action Santa Cruz de la Sierra, 1996).

  1. Our Declaration constitutes a comprehensive and mutually reinforcing set of commitments for concrete results. In accord with the appended Plan of Action, and recognizing our different national capabilities and our different legal systems, we pledge to implement them without delay. (Declaration of Miami, 1994).

  1. To give continuity to efforts fostering national political involvement, we will convene specific high-level meetings to address, among others, topics such as trade and commerce, capital markets, labor, energy, education, transportation, telecommunications, counter-narcotics and other anti-crime initiatives, sustainable development, health, and science and technology. (Declaration of Miami, 1994).



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