
Official Documents of the Summits of the Americas Process
Gender Indicators for Monitoring Implementation of the Mandates from the Ninth Summit of the Americas

This document was prepared by the Summits of the Americas Secretariat of the Organization of American States (OAS) as part of its efforts to advance a gender equality and rights perspective in the Summits of the Americas Process. Developed within the framework of the follow-up and implementation phase of the Ninth Summit of the Americas and as part of the hemispheric project "Strengthening the Participation of Women's Organizations in the Summit Process" by the Summits Secretariat, executed with the support of the Government of Canada.

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Civil Society and Social Actors’ Engagement in the Follow-up and Implementation Phase of the IX Summit of the Americas (2022 - 2024)

Compilation of initiatives of civil society organizations and social actors and their contributions to the Summit Process in the follow-up and implementation phase of the IX Summit of the Americas, during the period from June 2022 to March 2024.

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Volume IX - Official Documents of the Summits of the Americas Process: From Lima (2018) to Los Angeles (2022)

This Volume IX, "Official Documents of the Summits of the Americas Process: From Lima (2018) to Los Angeles (2022)", is a compendium that contemplates the mandates agreed by consensus by the States in the form of Political Commitments in the Ninth Summit of the Americas held in Los Angeles, United States, and by those documents agreed upon at the Inter-American ministerial meetings held since the Eighth and Ninth Summits of the Americas. Volume IX is a fundamental point of reference for the formulation of policies, strategies, and action programs at the Inter-American level.

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Civil Society and Social Actors' contributions to the IX Summit of the Americas Process (2021-2022) (2022)

In this publication, the Summits Secretariat presents a compilation of the contributions submitted by civil society organizations and social actors during the preparatory phase and during the official activities carried out on the occasion of the IX Summit, including the Civil Society Forum and the Dialogue between Civil Society, Social Actors, and High-Level Governmental Representatives, and at other parallel events organized by other social actors.

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Mandates Adopted at the IX Summit of the Americas (2022)

On the occasion of the IX Summit of the Americas held in Los Angeles, California, under the theme "Building a Sustainable, Resilient and Equitable Future", the Heads of State and Government agreed to adopt mandates in the areas of health, energy, environment, digitalization, and democracy, distributed in 5 documents.

Impacts of Corruption on Women's Rights in the Americas: An Agenda under Construction (2022)

The Summits of the Americas Secretariat, in coordination with the Inter-American Commission of Women of the OAS, presents the document as part of the cooperation initiatives promoted by the Summits Secretariat in the occasion of the execution of the Follow-up and Implementation Mechanism of the Lima Commitment, as well as in preparation for the Ninth Summit of the Americas.

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Cultivating a Culture of Integrity in the Civil Service in Times of Crisis

This publication presents relevant reforms in civil service integrity focused on transparency and equal opportunities in public servant selection processes, codes of conduct and promotion of a professionalized public sector. The practices address the cases of Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica and Peru.

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Lima Commitment Mandates and its relation with the Sustainable Development Goals

The mandates that emanated from the Lima Commitment have the goal to strengthen fundamental democratic values in the Americas and the Caribbean. In line with this goal, the Summit of the Americas Secretariat has explored the interconnections between the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals and the Lima Commitment, finding an undeniable relationship between the mandates in the Lima Commitment and some of the Sustainable Development Goals.

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Lima Commitment “Democratic Governance against Corruption” (2018)

The Lima Commitment, consisting of 57 paragraphs, calls on member states to reduce bureaucracy; strengthen the independence of judiciaries; increase transparency through the us e of new technologies; encourage private sector participation in the formulation of public anti-corruption policies; and protect informants, journalists and law enforcement officials. It also pledged to work towards preventing regional financial systems from being used to transfer and conceal illicit funds; and identifying resources to strengthen hemispheric anticorruption mechanisms.


Official Documents from the Summits of the Americas Process: From Panama City (2015) to Lima (2018)

This publication, “Official Documents from the Summits of the Americas Process: From Panama City (2015) to Lima (2018),” is a compendium comprised of the Lima Commitment, the document of mandates States agreed to by consensus during the Eight Summit of the Americas held in Lima, and by those documents agreed to at the Inter-American ministerial meetings that have taken place since the Seventh and Eighth Summits of the Americas. The content of Volume VIII is an essential reference point for formulating policies, strategies, and programs of action at an Inter-American level.

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Civil Society and Social Actors Contributions in the VIII Summit of the Americas process (2017-2018)

Through this publication, the Summits of the Americas Secretariat, presents a compilation of contributions from civil society and social actors’ of the Americas. This compilation includes the conclusions and recommendations of the consultations carried out, both face-to-face and virtually, as well as the parallels events, that were held in the days prior to the Summit and contributed to the deliberations of the States.

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The Joint Summit Working Group: Cooperating for the Americas 2018

A summary of some of the advancements made by the JSWG in follow up or related to the VII Summit of the Americas - June 2018

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The Joint Summit Working Group: Cooperating for the Americas 2017

A summary of some of the advancements made by the JSWG in follow up or related to the VII Summit of the Americas - June 2017

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The Joint Summit Working Group: Cooperating for the Americas 2016

A summary of some of the advancements made by the JSWG in follow up or related to the VII Summit of the Americas - June 2016

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The Road to Panama: Civil Society and Social Actors Participation in the VII Summit of the Americas

This document presents a compilation of the activities that took place in the “ROAD TO PANAMA” and includes the conclusions and recommendations from the on-site consultations as well as those consultations that were held through the Summits Virtual Community - 2015.

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Official Documents from the Summits of the Americas Process: From Cartagena de Indias (2012) to Panama City (2015) - Volume VII

This publication, Volume VII includes the draft document of “Mandates for Action” considered in preparation for the Seventh Summit along with the Final Declaration by H.E. Juan Carlos Varela, President of the Republic of Panama and host of the Summit, held in Panama City from April 10-11, 2015. The OAS General Assembly resolutions for the 2012-2014 period and documents adopted at the Ministerial meetings held between the Sixth and Seventh Summits of the Americas are also included.

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Outcomes of the Summits of the Americas Process, 20 Years of Summitry

The information presented in this document is a snapshot of relevant initiatives, regional programs and important political commitments undertaken by States and the Institutions of the Joint Summits Working Group (JSWG) that have contributed to address the challenges of the region in the past twenty years.

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Celebrating two decades of the Summits of the Americas Process 1994-2014

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The Joint Summit Working Group: A compilation of Institutional Reports 2013 - May 2014

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From Cartagena Forward

Both in its preparation and execution, the Sixth Summit deliberately sought to place significant emphasis on action and on partnership. This premise is reflected in the inaugural speeches, as well as in the essays from institutional partners and social actors included in this volume.

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Official Documents from the Summits of the Americas Process: From Port of Spain (2009) to Cartagena de Indias (2012)

This publication continues the series which began after the Second Summit, in 1998, and presents the Mandates arising from the Sixth Summit of the Americas, held in Cartagena de Indias, Colombia on April 14-15, 2012, as well as the various declarations agreed to at inter-American ministerial-level meetings which were held subsequent to the Fifth Summit and prior to the Sixth Summit. This compilation provides a point of reference for governments, multilateral agencies, social actors, academia and the general public.

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The Joint Summit Working Group: Collaborating to Implement Summit Mandates

This report highlights some of the initiatives emanating from the Fifth Summit that demonstrate key examples of ways in which the partner institutions of the JSWG are working together on individual, multi-institutional, and regional programs to assist OAS Member States in implementing hemispheric commitments made in the context of the Summits of the Americas process.

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Youth, Decent Work, and Human Prosperity in the Americas

The Summits of the Americas Policy Brief Series provides OAS Member States, social actors and other Summit stakeholders with an analysis of key policy areas relevant to the inter-American agenda, and are intended to enrich the multilateral dialogue and consensus-building inherent to the Summits process in order to facilitate collective approaches to the Hemisphere’s challenges.

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Energy Security in the Americas

This policy brief addresses the critical issue of energy security in the Americas, which makes up one of the main pillars of the Fifth Summit of the Americas to be held in Trinidad and Tobago in April 2009. This brief complements the Policy Dialogue held on December 5,2008, which brought together experts and practitioners from the private sector, international institutions, and civil society to discuss with representatives of OAS Member States and the general public a variety of viewpoints on energy security in order to further dialogue in the context of the Summit of the Americas process.

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The Joint Summit Working Group: Collaborating to Implement the Inter-American and Summit Agendas

This report highlights key JSWG initiatives with linkages to the Fifth Summit that demonstrate examples of ways in which the partner institutions are working together on multi-institutional, regional programs to assist OAS Member States in implementing hemispheric commitments.

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Official Documents from the Summits of the Americas Process: From Mar del Plata (2005) to Port of Spain (2009)

This publication continues the series which began after the Second Summit, in 1998, and presents the Declaration of Commitment of Port of Spain and the official statement of the Chair which were issued at the Fifth Summit of the Americas, held in Port of Spain, Trinidad and Tobago on April 17-19, 2009, as well as the various declarations agreed to at inter-American ministerial-level meetings which were held subsequent to the Fourth Summit and prior to the Fifth Summit. This compilation provides a point of reference for governments, multilateral agencies, social actors, academia and the general public.

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Achievements of the Summits of the Americas: From Mar del Plata to Port of Spain

This report presents the efforts of the twelve institutional partners of the Joint Summit Working Group (JSWG) to implement and support the commitments adopted by the Heads of State and Government at the Fourth Summit of the Americas held in Mar del Plata, Argentina in November 2005. In addition, this volume provides a brief overview of strategies and actions that can contribute to the implementation of the commitments being made in the framework of the Fifth Summit of the Americas in Port of Spain, Trinidad & Tobago in April 2009.

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Achievements of the Summits of the Americas: Progress since Mar del Plata

This publication presents a compilation of the reports of the institutional members of the Joint Summit Working Group on their projects and activities implemented to meet the commitments made at the Fourth Summit of the Americas held in Mar del Plata in November 2005.

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Towards the Fifth Summit of the Americas: Regional Challenges

This publication compiles the contributions of the twelve institutions that make up the Joint Summit Working Group (JSWG). Each of these articles offers an institutional viewpoint on the challenges and priorities facing the Hemisphere and together they constitute an important contribution towards a collective reflection in support of the work of the Fifth Summit of the Americas that will take place in Trinidad and Tobago in 2009.

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Official Documents from the Summits of the Americas Process 2004-2006, Volume IV

This bilingual volume contains the official documents from the Special Summit of Nuevo Leon, Mexico and the IV Summit in Mar del Plata, Argentina. It also includes the Inter-American Democratic Charter, the Declaration on Security in the Americas, and the Plan of Action for the Agriculture and Rural Life of the Americas "AGRO 2003-2015."

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Report of the Joint Summit Working Group

Report of the Joint Summit Working Group - XLV Ministerial Meeting of the Summit Implementation Review Group (SIRG): Implementation of the Mandates of the IV Summit of the Americas

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Civil Society Recommendations: 2002 - 2006

Compilation of civil society recommendations presented to the Organization of American States and the Summits of the Americas Process on issues pertaining to the Inter-American Agenda.

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Achievements of the Summits of the Americas

National Accomplishments

See publication

Achievements of the Summits of the Americas

Institutional Contributions

See publication

The Summit Report 2001-2003 Advancing in the Americas Progress and Challenges:

Español: Parte I Parte II Parte III Parte IV

English: Part I Part II Part III Part IV

Français: Parte I Parte II Parte III

Executive Summary 2001 - 2003

See publication: English Español Français Português

Official Documents from the Summits of the Americas Process from Miami to Quebec City, Volume III

This bilingual volume contains the official documents from the Miami, Santiago and Quebec City Summits of the Americas and the Summit on Sustainable Development in Santa Cruz de la Sierra, as well as the Inter-American Democratic Charter in English and Spanish. Please call (202) 458-3127.

Publication available at the OAS Columbus Memorial Library

Official Documents of the Summit of the Americas Process, Volume II, 1988-2000

This bilingual volume contains official texts of the Summit of the Americas Process in English and Spanish. Please call (202) 458-3127.

Publication available at the OAS Columbus Memorial Library

Official Documents of the Summit Process, from Miami to Santiago

This bilingual volume contains official texts of the Summit of the Americas Process in English and Spanish. Please call (202) 458-3127.

Publication available at the OAS Columbus Memorial Library

Working papers and reports by other sources

The Brookings Institution

The Road to Hemispheric Cooperation: Beyond the Cartagena Summit of the Americas

See publication

Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Colombia

Foros: Camino a Cartagena (solo en español)

See publication

El Consenso de Mar del Plata

El Consenso de Mar del Plata, IV Cumbre de las Américas 2005, Análisis y Perspectivas (solo en español)

See publication

Decent Work in the Americas: An Agenda for the Hemisphere 2006 - 2016

International Labor Office

See publication

La Gobernabilidad Democrática y el Problema del Empleo en la Subregión Andina

Seminario Regional Andino (solo en español)

See publication

Special Summit of the Americas (January 2004)

Final Report - Compilation of Inputs on the Special Summit of the Americas, FOCAL's Civil Society Survey (CSS)

Final Report

Implementing the Quebec City Plan of Action (2001-2005)

Activities of the Inter-Sectoral Unit for Tourism in Support of the Implementation of the Summit of the Americas, XVIII Inter-American Travel Congress (June 18-20, 2003)

See publication

Between Santiago and Quebec City (1999-2001)

Multilateralism in the Americas, Peter M. Boehm and Christopher Hernandez-Roy, Published in Canadian Foreign Policy (1999)

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On the Santiago Summit (1998)

The Hemispheric Summit Process and the Organization of American States: The OAS and its contribution to the Santiago Summit

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On the Miami Summit (1994)

The Hemispheric Summit Process and the Organization of American States: The OAS and the Experience of the Miami Summit

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Words into Deeds, Progress Since the Miami Summit: Report on Implementation of the Decisions Reached at the 1994 Miami Summit of the Americas

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