De: Fundaci�n Ecol�gica Universal (FEU)

Enviado: el 19 de septiembre de 2000

Escrito por: Liliana Hisas


As part of the civil society movement, we believe that spaces of dialogue will be beneficial and positive for all, governments, the OAS itself and civil society organizations. The framework that the Inter-American Strategy for Public Participation (ISP) opened for civil society organizations to interact with our governments is essential, and a very good example to follow-up on.

The next Summit of the Americas to be held next year in Quebec, Canada, opens a very important space to follow-up some key relevant discussions for the region.

In this regard, I would like to submit a question to the discussions that are being debated today, regarding the preparation for this summit.

How solid is the OAS commitment to open spaces of dialogue, exchange and interaction with the civil society? Will it be institutionalized?


Thank you,

Liliana Hisas


Fundaci�n Ecol�gica Universal - FEU

Sarmiento 1443

Buenos Aires: (1041) Argentina

Tel-Fax: (54-11) 4373-0552

E-mail: [email protected]

P�gina Principal | Mandatos de la Cumbre | Calendario de Reuniones | Busque Informaci�n

� 2000 Organizaci�n de los Estados Americanos, Oficina de Seguimiento de Cumbres


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