De: Fundaci�n Futuro Latinoamericano

Enviado: el 19 de septiembre de 2000

Escrito por: Yolanda Kakabadse,

Presidenta de Fundaci�n Futuro Latinoamericano


I was very much involved in promoting civil society participation at the Miami Summit.

Later on I led an intense process to achieve the same goal at the Santa Cruz Summit, with a great political support from the Bolivian Government.

The Santiago Summit lost a lot of this dynamic.

Since then we all - Governments, Inter-governmental organizations and Civil Society - preach the need to seriously institutionalize civil society participation in these important events.

What is being done to ensure that the Canada Summit and OAS as a whole involve and incorporate in its agenda and results the contributions of civil society groups?


Yolanda Kakbadse


Fundaci�n Futuro Latinoamericano

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� 2000 Organizaci�n de los Estados Americanos, Oficina de Seguimiento de Cumbres


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