Joint Summit Working Group (JSWG)


2017 | 2016 | 2015 | 2014 | 2011 | 2010 | 2009 | 2008 | 2007 | 2006 | 2005 | 2004 | 2003 | 2002 2

Publications by the OAS and Members of the Joint Summit Working Group. Please click on the year above to see all publications related to that particular year.

Achievements of the Summits of the Americas: Progress since Mar del Plata This publication presents a compilation of the reports of the institutional members of the Joint Summit Working Group on their projects and activities implemented to meet the commitments made at the Fourth Summit of the Americas held in Mar del Plata in November 2005.



Perfil Migratorio de Argentina 2008 The Migration Profile of Argentina is part of a series of country profiles, produced and published in Latin America. The series aims to bridge the information gap and thereby contribute to enhanced policy making and improved management of migration issues in the region.

The Migration Profile of Argentina explores recent migration trends and patterns in the country, with a view to helping governments, organizations and individuals understand the phenomenon of human mobility and its deep and long-lasting impact on the demographic, social and economic structure of a nation. The report presents data on immigration and emigration; irregular migration; labour-market conditions; skills shortages; trafficking in persons; diasporas and remittances; and migration-related treaties and policies, among others.



Perfil Migratorio de Ecuador 2008 The Migration Profile of Ecuador, produced and published in the Latin American region, is an update of the first version prepared by IOM Quito in July 2006. Prepared by IOM’s Ecuador Mission in coordination with IOM Geneva’s Research and Publication units, the MPE offers a thorough understanding of the current status of human mobility in Ecuador. The Profile analyses information available on immigration, emigration, irregular migration, labour market conditions, diasporas and remittances, refugees and asylum seekers, and policies related to these issues. In doing so, it also identifies data gaps and develops strategies to enhance data collection and sharing.



Migration and Development: Perspectives from the South This book attempts to redress the balance by initiating a South-South dialogue. It is the result of discussions among researchers, government officials and migrant activists from five major emigration countries: India, Mexico, Morocco, the Philippines, and Turkey. The five country case studies present experiences of emigration over the past 50 years and analyse the consequences for economy, society and politics.


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