Organization of American States Summits of the Americas
Follow-up and Implementation: Mandates

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HEALTH: Nutrition

  1. Address the wider economic, social, and environmental dimensions of resilience, including challenges resulting from COVID-19 and constraints to sustainable post-pandemic recovery, including limited fiscal space; unsustainable debt-burdens, where applicable; lack of access to financing; challenges to food and nutrition security; and limited capacity to mitigate and adapt to the challenges of the climate crisis. (Action Plan on Health and Resilience in the Americas, IX Summit of the Americas, Los Angeles, 2022).

  1. To encourage the joint efforts of the public and private sectors, civil society, and other social stakeholders to strengthen strategies for food and nutrition, specifically child nutrition, as an integral element of health in fighting poverty, hunger, and inequality. (Health, Initiatives VII Summit of the Americas, Panama City, 2015).

  1. To give priority to nutrition, particularly child nutrition, in the fight against poverty, hunger, and inequality and, in this context, we underscore the importance of joint efforts by the public and private sectors, civil society, and other social actors. (Poverty, Inequality, and Inequity, Cartagena, 2012).

  1. We commit to improving the nutritional status of all the people of the Americas by 2015 and to the full implementation of the PAHO Regional Strategy on Nutrition in Health and Development 2006-2015. We will continue to promote the integration of nutrition into social and economic policies and plans and to reduce nutritional deficiencies through prevention and treatment strategies, including those targeted at the control of obesity and nutrition-related diseases. We also commit to increase awareness and educate our populations about the importance of diet and physical activity. (Declaration of Port of Spain, 2009).

  1. We recognise that nutrition is important in combating poverty, hunger and chronic malnutrition for children, especially those under age five, and vulnerable groups. We consider it a high priority to address the issue of nutrition through the joint efforts of the public and private sectors, civil society and communities. We call upon international organisations where appropriate to continue to support national efforts to confront malnutrition and promote healthy diets. (Declaration of Port of Spain, 2009).

  1. Promote healthy childhood development through: prenatal care, expanded immunization programs, control of respiratory and diarrheal diseases by conducting programs such as the Integrated Management of Childhood Illnesses, health education, physical fitness, access to safe and nutritious foods, and the promotion of breast feeding; (Plan of Action Québec, 2001).

  1. Give the highest priority to reducing infant malnutrition, concentrating efforts on health, nutrition and education programs for the nutrition of infants, particularly those less than three, as those are the years of greatest vulnerability. To that end, emphasis shall be given to adequate nutrition and the correction of specific nutritional deficiencies, specifically with vitamin and mineral supplements combined with greater use of vaccinations and immunizations and monitoring during the growth of the child. (Plan of Action Santiago, 1998).

  1. Continue, as far as possible, with the dialogue begun at the Inter-American Conference on Hunger, held in Buenos Aires in October 1996, and they will explore the application, in their respective jurisdictions of the measures suggested there, in particular the creation of alliances with the private sector to fight hunger and malnutrition, the creation of food bank networks with volunteer participation and the creation of an Honorary Council dedicated to fostering activities to reach Summit objectives in this area. (Plan of Action Santiago, 1998).



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