Organization of American States Summits of the Americas
Follow-up and Implementation

More Information about SISCA

Updated: December 2, 2016

Panama works on National Report on commitments of the VII Summit of the Americas ES

Mandates for Action and the Sustainable Development Goals: “Prosperity with Equity: The Challenge of Cooperation in the Americas”

Document with the purpose of aligning the mandates and initiatives from the VII Summit of the Americas and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) to serve as support document for the preparation of futures National reports from Member States and institutional reports from the members of the Joint Summit Working Group (JSWG).

Support Guide for Member States for preparing National Reports

Support Guide for Member States on how to incorporate information by gender when preparing National Reports in follow-up to the Summits of the Americas.

Estado de implementación de los mandatos de las Cumbres de las Américas bajo la temática de “Asuntos de Genero” para el periodo 2010- 2014

La Secretaría de Cumbres de las Américas ha realizado el estudio del estado de implementación de los mandatos de las Cumbres de las Américas bajo la temática de “Asuntos de Género” para el periodo 2010- 2014 como parte de sus labores de seguimiento y con el fin de que este documento sirva de documento base para una futura medición del número de reportes que a futuro puedan integrar información desagregada por género.

Outcomes of the Summits of the Americas Process: 20 years of Summitry

The information presented in this document is a snapshot of relevant initiatives, regional programs and important political commitments undertaken by States and the Institutions of the Joint Summits Working Group (JSWG) that have contributed to address the challenges of the region in the past twenty years.

The Joint Summit Working Group: A compilation of institutional reports 2013 - May 2014

This compilation of institutional reports and booklet highlight some of the initiatives emanating from the Sixth Summit that demonstrate key examples of ways in which the partner institutions of the JSWG are working together on individual, multi‐institutional, and regional programs to assist OAS Member States in implementing hemispheric commitments made in the context of the Summits of the Americas process.
Institutional Reports: EN-ES
Booklet: EN | ES

Presentation by the Summits Secretariat on the "Summits of the Americas Follow-up System (SISCA)"

  • Launch of the Summits of the Americas Follow-up System (SISCA)
  • Background Information EN SP
  • Presentation SP
  • Declaration of Commitment of Port of Spain: Working Document EN SP
  • SISCA brochure EN SP
  • Video Presentation EN/SP

National Workshop held in Quito, Ecuador

A presentation and national workshop was held at the premises of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Quito, Ecuador on August 25th, 2010.

OAS Summits Secretariat conducts SISCA training workshop in Peru

With support from the Peruvian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Summits of the Americas Secretariat held its fourth Training Workshop on Thursday, June 10, 2010 in Lima, Peru.

OAS facilitates Summits of the Americas Follow-up in Trinidad and Tobago

On April 19, 2010, a workshop on the Methodology for Use and Application of SISCA, was hosted by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago.

El Salvador hosts first SISCA workshop in Central America

One year after the V Summit of the Americas, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of El Salvador organized a workshop where more than 13 institutions and ministries participated in order to invigorate the follow-up to the mandates of the Summits of the Americas in Trinidad and Tobago.

Colombia hosts the first SISCA Workshop

The workshop took place on Monday, February 22, 2010, at the Colombian Ministry of Foreign Affairs. The event was attended by “focal points” representatives from 23 government institutions identified by the government of Colombia.

Agreement SICA - Summits of the Americas Secretariat

The Central American Integration System (SICA) and the Summits of the Americas Secretariat of the OAS signed an agreement of cooperation for the follow-up of presidential mandates.



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